
Monday 1 June 2015

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: We had some nice sun this weekend.
It was sunny Sunday morning and then it started to rain.
It is raining today. Darn !

JJ: This box says Becel , but it does not taste like Becel !

Treasure: I am not the only kitty who thinks sunny windowsills
are a pawsome place to hang out!

It appears Julie like windowsills too.

See Julie on her windowsill at House Panthers!  


  1. Sunshine is good! We've had rain for almost two days now, and it's gotten cold. Glad we didn't put away all of our winter sweaters yet...

  2. We had rain, too. Actually it was thunderstorm. Let's hope sun will come back!
    Treasure and Julie, I can tell you enjoy hanging out on the windowsill very much. It's got huge bird TV :-)
    Have a happy new week, kitties!

  3. shucks! Looks like it'll be a rainy-day nap type of day...

  4. Hope your sun comes back soon!

  5. Too bad the rain came along and spoiled your sun puddles.

  6. It was a dreary nap taking kind of day here, too.

    Glad your sun decided to show up!

  7. We sure hope you get some window time back soon!

  8. i wish our sunshine would come back. it was 45 degrees again this morning

  9. I hope the sun comes back for you, and for me. It is cold and rainy here as well.

  10. We don't know if you meant for the CB badge to be inside and overlapping your post and comments...just and FYI

    WE are hoping for rain here, it's been so dry and hot. Our yard is parched and Mom has been working extra hard to water so to keep it from getting worse.

  11. We hope your sun comes back very soon ! We had a beautiful sunny day today, but we got some storm this evening. Purrs

  12. Black cats love sunny window sills. Other cats do, too, of course ;)
    Can you send some of that wain out here? We could use it.

  13. Hi Georgia! I'm glad you kids had some nice weather over the weekend. We've been wet noodles here, but not from rain!

  14. Just wanted to let you know your CB badge looks great!

  15. Julie, you look positively GLORIOUS in that particular pose with sun spilling all over your beautiful glossy furs. ALL of you look kissable!

  16. Sun (yay!), then rain (boo!) ... did the sun come back out again? :)

  17. JJ, I think real butter is better. Have you ever tried it?

  18. Lucy loves her windowsills too!

  19. Lucy loves her windowsills too!

  20. Hi gang! Hope your sun returns this week so you can enjoy some patio time. So glad to hear that you are feeling well and doing well again, Georgia...such a pretty picture of you!
