
Friday 5 June 2015

Finally Friday

Georgia: I am really happy.
Yesterday I had my final visit with the Vet and she was
happy with how I am doing. She squeezed me and said  I
had soft stool(which was good) and said I gained 
about half a pound. Mom and I will work hard
to make sure I do not get that badly constipated again!
I am happy I do not have to see the Vet anytime soon!

Julie: I am always happy when I get to spend lots
 of time on the porch! Weekends mean porch time.
They also mean Mom will pick some fresh,tender grass for me.
Mmmmmmm I love weekends.

JJ:  I also like the porch, but when I want a nap, I come in to
this nice comfy spot in the living room. I like my contoured 
pillow and enjoy great naps here.

 Treasure: Last weekend, I found this nice sunny spot.
I hope to find more sunny spots this weekend.
Mom says I may have to wait until Sunday as it
is supposed to rain Saturday.

Rain or shine, we purr you all have a 


  1. I'm so glad you checked out well, Georgia! Have a wonderful weekend, everykitty!

  2. We are so glad you are much better, Georgia! We don't want you to back-slide, now, so take care!
    Extra headbonks,

  3. Hooray fur a good report!

    Hope the sun will allow some gloriously warm sunpuddles fur you to bask in:))

  4. That's a wonderful news, Georgia. So glad you don't have to go back to vet for a while :-) Treasure, that's really a nice sunny spot. I hope you'll find another great spots this weekend, too. Happy Friday and we wish you all a wonderful weekend!

  5. Georgia - I am so glad you got a good report from the vet!

  6. Glad you feel better. Have a great weekend!

  7. I'm sure glad you are doing so good sweet Georgia! Y'all have a mighty fine weekend!

  8. OH Georgia we are so happy you are doing so WEll!!! Way to start a weekend off on the right paw.

  9. Glad to hear the good news, sweetie!

  10. georgia....noe vet visitz iz like de best mews ta heer ☺☺

    YAY !!!! enjoy yur porch, grazz, living room, sun spots
    while ya can & time with mom !!

    heerz two a righteye flounder kinda week oh end ! ♥♥♥

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Well done Georgia ! We're glad to read such good news ! Purrs

  13. I am glad your vet is pleased with you Georgia. Happy weekend to all of you.

  14. Ooooooh, Georgia! SO happy to hear the good report! Happy weekend to all you gorgeous kitties XOXOXOX

  15. It sounds like you all had a really nice weekend planned. Georgia! We're SO happy you got a good report from the vet. :)

