
Monday, 24 August 2015

Our 8th Blogoversary !

Today we celebrate  our 8th year of blogging!
We thought it would be good to share some memories.

Our very first post was Aug 24, 2007 and featured
the blog founder Mickey, The Black Cat.
Our first commentor was our frucousins Team Tabby.
The next day, we had Daisy ,the Curly Cat(on FB now)

We continued to get used to blogging and meeting so many new friends.
Mickey found love with the lovely Miss Peach and on
You can see more at the Wedding Blog.

In  March of 2010, we revealed that there were actually 
3 more kitties living with us. We do not have a good reason
 why we waited so long to include them, but we are
glad we finally did.
Here is Tiger.

And here are JJ and Treasure.

 In July of 2012, we adopted Julie.
She was rescued from the great outdoors.
She is now very happy as an indoor kitty(as we all are).

Some years were sad, when we lost good friends, and our own
siblings. We said goodbye to Mickey in 2011, 
Tillie in 2013 and Tiger in 2014.
We still miss them 

Winter of 2015 is a season we will not forget.
At least Mom won't as it was the year of lots
and lots of SNOW!
Mom wore out her shovel trying to keep up with
all the storms. She was lucky that neighbours had
machines to help out.
We kitties were cozy and warm inside!

On hot days like we are having now, it is good to
remember what we had a few months ago.

We look forward to more years of blogging and meeting new
friends. We think that as long as there are kitties(and critters)
 there will be blogs! 
Thank You for being a part of our journey!

Julie is happy today too.

See her at House Panthers.
Click Here !


  1. Happy Blogoversary, dear friends! We love you, and are so happy that you are here. Here's to many, many more blogoversaries to come!

  2. Happy Blogoversary! 8 years is fantastic! We love you guys.

  3. Happy 8th Blogoversary, sweet furriends!
    (We thought y'all would never get rid of all that snow, either.)

  4. Happy blogoversary! Eight years is a really long time!

  5. Happy Blogoversary!!!!!

    We have so enjoyed being part of your journey and hope to enjoy more adventurers with you.

  6. A very happy 8th Blogoversary to you! I don't think I visited you when you first started blogging, but I am glad I found you after.

  7. Happy Blogoversary!!! Here's to many more :)

  8. Yay! Happy Blogoversary!
    Ug, did you have to show a photo of snow?

  9. Happy 8th Blogoversary! That's a lot of posts, and a lot of changes too. Was it really 2011 that Mickey passed, four years already? It just doesn't seem that long.

    Anyway, we'll raise a toast to another 8 wonderful years of blogging!

    Purrs and peace.


  10. Have a Happy 8th Blogoversary!

  11. Happy Blogoversary!

    The Almanac says we're in for a bad winter again...I hope it is wrong :(

  12. Happy bloversary! 8 years of weekly columns. I salute you!

    Deb, Mija and Pilchard

  13. That is a wonderful retrospective you wrote about and a very happy 8th blogoversary. WE are still sadden by the passing of Mickey, we miss him so very much. Of course Tillie and Tiger also, but our heart has such fondness for Mickey. We wish you many more years of blogging!

  14. Happy Happy Blogoversary!!
    Mom keeps hoping you will add "follow by email" to your side bar so we can follow this blog.
    Otherwise we can't.

  15. Happy Blogoversary from all of us to all of you! We love you sweet friends!

  16. Happy Blogoversary ! 8 years blogging, we're impressed ! We wish you many many more ! Purrs

  17. Happy blogoversary! Great years with so many beautiful photos! We have lost 4 since we started blogging so we know how you feel about Mickey, Tillie & Tiger. Sad to have lost them but happy to have known them!

  18. Happy blogoversary, friends! It was fun looking back and we're glad you're here!

  19. Just discovered your blog and wanted to say Happy Blogoversary! Concats on 8 years. We are celebrating our 1st Blogoversary today.

  20. Happy Blogoversary!!

    And thanks fur stopping by in MJF's blog with your POTP! He is doing a lot better:)

  21. happy anniversary. that's a lot of blogging.

  22. Oh, we are so sorry to be late. We haven't been on the puter the last couple of days. So we hope you had a very good day celebrating!
    Mommy says she misses your Angel Kitties, too.

  23. Happy 8th Blogoversary! So many events over the years.
    Julie is looking so much better compared to when you took her in. Her fur is lustrous and she looks so content.

  24. R internetz thiz week haz been like a lite bye two say Hi while de spazzed thing iz still....ON~~~~~~
    we iz sorree we missed yur annie fur sarry guys...we hope it waz an awesum FUN filled day N mom let ya haz sum ham samiches N friez...heerz two another 80.... we iz buzzed happee we iz friends. XXXXX
