
Friday, 28 August 2015

Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day

Today we remember some family members that have
crossed the Rainbow Bridge.
We are sad that they are gone,but thankful
they were in our life.

Zee & Zoey have created a very special day to honor and 
remember those cherished pets we have lost but not forgotten"
 ~ Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day ~ 

Our blog founder Mickey.
He and Mom were best friends for almost 18 years.
He was a great friend and a kind and gentle cat.
We miss your easy manner and friendship.

Mickey loved his grass, and Mom liked picking
it for him. She fed it to him a blade at a time.
He had her trained well.

He loved looking out windows and enjoying wiffies.

He liked to participate in "Meow Like a Pirate Day"

But his biggest joy was his dear Miss Peach.

We miss our sweet Tiger.
She was a sweet girl and quite a talker too.

A spirited kitty with lots of Tortitude!

She enjoyed life and lived it to the fullest.
We miss you and love  Tiger.
She crossed her Bridge in her 18th year.

This is Moxie and he crossed his Bridge in his 3rd year
just months  before we started blogging.
He was a cute little imp and had a big hold on Mom.

Moxie was a littermate of Tillie and Georgia.
It was pretty hard to get over his passing as he was
quite a character!

The last in our remembrance is the hardest.
Our dear sister Tillie. She crossed her Bridge in her 10th year.
She had a big hold on Mom's heart and still does.
She was sweet,a Diva, demanding of Mom's 
attention and a silly girl at times.

She loved boxes no matter what the size!

Like all of us, she loved "Meow Like a Pirate Day" too! 
Here she is with JJ and Tiger.

Mom had a special bond with Tillie as she does with 
pretty much all black cats.Tillie wanted to be near
 Mom all the time too. In  many ways  she still is.
Mom thinks about her all the time and still misses her.

We miss all of our siblings.
We are glad we had the time with them that we did.
We will always remember them.

To all others remembering a special friend, we send you
love,hugs, purrs and we share tears as well.

"Part of Me..."

I thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new.
I thought about you yesterday and the day before that too.
I think of you in silence. I often say your name.
But all I have are memories and your picture in a frame.
Your memory is my keepsake, with which I'll never part.
God has you in His keeping. I have you in my heart.
I shed tears for what might have been. A million times I've cried.
If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died.
In life I loved you dearly. In death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place, no one can ever fill.
It broke my heart to lose you, but you didn't go alone.
For part of me went with you, the day God took you home.

-Author unknown


  1. What a wonderful new day to observe and remember the ones we have loved and lost....

    Allie loves her grass one blade at a time too!

  2. Purrs to everyone who is remembering today.

  3. What good memories! They may be gone, but they will never be forgotten...and they are always loved. oxox

  4. That was such a loving tribute to those sweeties.

  5. Purrs to you and your loved ones, and to all those loved ones remembered today and every day.

  6. guys...manee thanx for sharin theeze waz veree nice two reed about yur hole familee....we noe they R & all ways will be missed.... & loved ~~~~~~~ ♥♥♥

  7. Thank you for sharing this lovely post about your beloved angels. We have tears in our eyes, especially seeing Mickey and Tillie. Hugs, purrs and prayers to you all as you remember with love, today and always.

  8. What a beautiful post ! Thank you for sharing your sweet memories with us. Hugs and purrs

  9. What wonderful memories of your past fur children. They all touched our hearts in their own special way and made our life the better for it.

  10. Wonderful photos and memories of your beloved animals. Thank you for sharing them with us, both then and now.

  11. This has been such a special day remembering our beloved pets who live forever in our hearts.

  12. What a sweet remembrance to all those so dear. We loved seeing all the photos and remembering along with you.

  13. What lovely memories! Thank you so much for participating in Rainbow Bridge Remembrance Day – xoxo from Deb, Mr. Jazz, Purr Prints of the Heart and the Zee/Zoey Gang

  14. Aw gees, that poem has me in tears. Lots of hugs and purrs as you remember *your* beloved companions. Thank you for stopping by the boys' blog. Peace.

  15. ^leaky eyes* yet again.
    We could not visit yesterday because we had to take our Gramma to a Dr appointment. So we are catching up on all the Rainbow posts today and it has made us very weepy. We so miss dear Mickey. It is heartbreaking to see any kitty gain his/her wings because of the painful loss, but there are some that tug harder. It struck Mom very hard when Mickey became an Angel. We know your Mom so misses her Tillie and that is easy to understand, what a beauty she is. She still is. Beautiful. And always will be. Just like my beauty Abby.

    purrs to you today while you remember you sweet Angels, each one special in their own way.

    Annabelle, Boo, Ping, & Mr Jinx

  16. What a beautiful and heartfelt tribute for your angels. I know you miss all and each of them terribly. I hope happy memories you had together fills your heart.
    Thank you for your kind words about passing of our Kit. I hope your babies and he become friends and play together over the Rainbow Bridge. Hugs and love, Tamago

  17. Such a wonderful tribute to the ones who have gone before.

    My Food Lady still misses China Cat & Willow so much but we missed the Rainbow Bridge Day. We will probably put up a post soon. Actually, tomorrow is China Cat's Birthday Anniversary and she would have been 18 years old.

    Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs, Spike William

  18. What lovely remembrances as you honor your Angels.
    They are locked tightly in your heart, cherished forever.
