
Monday, 27 March 2017

Morning Sunshine with Georgia

Georgia: Sunday morning was nice and sunny.
There was a nice sunspot and I had to check it out.
So did JJ.

I even did some poses for mum.

She likes when I sit in the sun and when my furs
get highlighted.
Mum, this is way too much highlight!
At least my face looks pawsome. MOL!

JJ was wandering around a bit before he went off
for a nap.

He is standing on this hutch.Inside the hutch you can see 
a picture of Earl the Squirrel and my angel sister Tillie.
I miss her even if she did chase me sometimes.

Julie,who also tends to chase me sometimes, also came to
check out the sunbeam.
Fortunately, she decided to go on the porch instead.
The picture in the background is mum's Dad.
It was taken a long time ago when he was young.

You all know how much Julie loves the porch.
Check out her porch time by going over

Just click the RED link.


  1. Y'all look so wonderful in that glorious sunshine! Have a fun week sweeties!

  2. That sun sure looks good. We had rain all day Sunday.

  3. I'm glad you got some nice sun puddles today, Georgia!

  4. Wow, you got such a gorgeous sunlight! You are all glowing! :-)
    How lovely to see photos of angel Tillie and your mum's dad. Earl got a great photo, too!
    Have a wonderful new week, efurryone!

  5. Sure looks like you all are enjoying that great sunshine. We love our porch too. You all have a wonderful week.

  6. Oh, that gorgeous sun! We miss the sun and are tired of all our rain. We think your sun makes your fur tips look sparkly and glowy and downright, beautiful!

  7. You all look great, I am glad you are getting some sun.

  8. You all look gorgeous in the sunshine ! Purrs

  9. guyz...we gotta wear shadez ewe all haz that kinda brite nezz goin on !!! N joy sum for uz pleez; everee onez lookin grate ~~~~~ happee monday anda happee week a head filled with NOE BURD ☺☺♥♥

  10. That looks like the biggest bestest sun puddle I have seen for a long time.

  11. #1 agrees that sun makes for the best photos! We're getting lots of it at the moment, so she is snapping away!

    The Chans

  12. Looks like Julie was about to bug you, Georgia. You've got the same look Caroline gets when Ivan gets too close!

  13. Wowee! You got some excellent sunshine on the porch, kitties! Georgia, we love your poses for Mum!

  14. Amazing photos, mew look gorgeous in the sunshine!

    Bestest purrs

    Basil & Co xox

  15. OH what a glorious sunpuddle! May we join you? xxxoo

  16. It's good to see so many kitties enjoying sunpuddles. This is the perfect time of year for that - sunny, but still cool enough that the sunpuddle doesn't cause overheating.

  17. I want to squeeze those cheeks Georgia!!

  18. It's good to know you have some good sun, we kind of thought it was gone...we have so many wet, dank and stormy days here of late. Guess we need them to get the spring time blooms started.

  19. I gotta say- there's nothing in the world like the combination of an awesomely beautiful Tortie and a huge sunpuddle! Makes for some truly incredible photography, doesn't it?

  20. Georgia--Amarula says you can come over and sharpen your paws anytime!!--even the extra ones!

  21. Glad you had a sunny day to relax in and warm your furs up...and so that your Mom could make lovely pictures!
