
Monday, 3 April 2017

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Well, it is Monday again.
Mum was busy late last week and did not help me blog.
She was visiting a new Great-Nephew who was 1 week old.
Gee, I think I may have been bigger than the baby.
While mum was busy with other things, we did see
some critters outside.

Mr Groundhog stopped by.
When asked where Spring was he just said
 "I'm a groundhog not a meteorologist"!
That much is true. As you can see, there is still snow
on the ground.

Earl the Squirrel seems to like the broken tree.
It gives him a great view.

He even posed for the camera.
I think he was hoping mum had more seeds for him.

 It has been pretty cool lately so we have not had any porch time.
Julie is not impressed as you can see.

To see Julie's thoughts for the past weekend.
pop over to House Panthers.

Click the RED link.


  1. You have some cool visitors in your yard. :)

  2. Wow--you gots a waaaaaay better view than me!

    My Human has been better about helping me post on my blog but she is TERRIBLE! the WORST! about helping me visit my furiends. Sigh. They're useless.

  3. You still have snow? That's a bummer!

  4. We can't believe you still have snow! Over here, spring has sprung all over! We hope the big thaw comes your way very soon!

    The Chans

  5. Yuk! Not still snow there!! The weather has turned nice and warm and I have found lots of sun puddles in places I had forgotten about. I hope you soon get some nice warm weather again.

  6. I bet you all are super ready for No-Snow season to actually get there!

  7. Georgia, you are cuter than any human baby! We haven't seen our neighborhood groundhog in awhile; hope he's okay. The squirrels are everywhere, as are the birds. Hope your snow goes away SOON!

  8. we did our taxes over the weekend. the boyz got to hear some choice words.

  9. We're sorry you still have snow ! You have nice neighbors ! Purrs

  10. conga ratz guyz two mum....a new nefew iz awesum !!! hope him N hiz mum iz doin grate !! ☺☺ heerz hopin yur weatherz haz imporrved two N everee one getz warmz, SUN & porch time.....happee week a head two all ☺☺♥♥

  11. Concats on the new great nephew!! Bet he is "GREAT!!" MOL MOL MOL!! catchatwithcarenandcody

  12. You have such interesting TV at your house, Georgia. We had three spiders last week but Mom put them outside before we could visit with them, and they all ran away!

  13. Mr Groundhog is so cute! But true, he is not meteorologist, LOL. I hope spring will arrive your area soon :-) Happy April!

  14. Congrats to your Mom on her great nephew. My great niece is 17 months old, so fun. Groundhogs are definitely not meteorologists :)

  15. We hope your snow goes away soon, so you can be warmer and enjoy sunpuddles on your porch.

    Fun visitors you have at your yard.

  16. Your outdoor buddies look like they make for some great entertainment. We thought Squirrel TV was great, but Groundhog TV must be fantastic. We sure do hope Spring comes your way soon!

  17. Everyone looks good out there and you all are warm and snug inside until the sun shines again and Mr. Snow leaves for the Spring and Summers. xox

  18. It looks like the critters outside are making the best of the snowy situation. We prefer to be curled up and warm inside like Julie in that last photo ;)
