
Friday 7 July 2017

Our Gotcha Day!

Today is our Gotcha Day!!

Georgia and JJ were adopted on July 7, 2006.
Julie was adopted on July 7, 2012

Mum says she is the luckiest purrson.
She knows that her life was enriched SO much
since we became  a part of it.
We sat that the feeling is mutual!
Needless to say we are going to celebrate and have FUN!
We hope you will join us in the FUN!!!

We love Gotcha Days.

We also love our pawsome friends
Pipo and Mr Jack Freckles and their

They made these wonderful pictures in honour
of our Gotcha Day!
 They are pawsome !!! Thank You!


  1. Happy Gotcha Day sweeties! XO

  2. Happy Gotcha Day sweet friends and we hope your special day is super special!

  3. Three Gotcha Days in one! I think you're all very lucky to have found each other and made a loving family. I hope your day is packed with fun.

  4. Happy Happy belated Gotcha day !
    and many more to come. I love gotcha day, It's a day of love & good luck =^x^= for both kitties & human.
    I hope you all have a wonderful time.
    Sorry I'm so late.

    Lots of love

  5. OOPS ! I'm not late...tee...heh
    Something wrong with mom's brain tee..heh
    Probably she need more coffee !

  6. Happy gotcha day to you ALL!

  7. Its a triple Happy Day in your den!
    Happy Gotcha Day to you all...and may we say Happy 20th Birthday to JJ?!

    We helped petcretary send you some went to your Mom via an meow at her to check her inbox:)

    Have a most wonderfur Catabration!

  8. Oh wow, your Mom really matched the date after 6 years! Ours forget our day every year. Bah.

  9. HAPPY GOTCHA DAY to all of you! Your Mum is lucky to have you, and vice versa!

    We would love to join in your fun, especially that Genji's Gotcha Day is coming up tomorrow!

    The Chans

  10. A very happy Gotcha Day to all of you.

  11. Happy Gotcha Day, Georgia, JJ, and Julie! It's no doublt your mum is the luckiest purrson. And you are the luckiest kitties to have such a wonderful mum! Have a super fun celebration! Happy weekend!

  12. happy g day. your mom is pretty darn lucky.

  13. 7/7 must be a very lucky day! (We're going to send our mom out for a lottery ticket.) Concats on your Gotcha Day, kids! Your mom surely is lucky, and so are we for knowing you!

  14. What are the odds that you'd all have the same Gotcha Days? Fantastic! Happy, happy to all of you!

  15. Happy Gotcha Day, Georgia and Julie! We know you found yourselves a wonderful home.
    We miss Tillie...

    CatSynth (Amanda and Sam Sam)

  16. Happy Gotcha Day beautiful family of fur!

  17. guyz....a most happee gotcha day two ewe all N heerz ta manee manee mor two come ~~~~~~~ N joy yur day, hope mum bringz home perch pizza piez N a dozen donutz, haza grate soooper mega awesum day & heerz two a yeer a head filled with happeez & healtheez ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

  18. Happy Gotcha Day to all of you ! Let's pawty ! Purrs

  19. What an amazing day for you guys!!! Three adoptions on the same day is certainly something to celebrate :) Happy Gotcha Day, friends!

  20. July 7th certainly is a lucky day in your house! Happy Gotcha Day to all of you!!!! catchatwithcarenandcody

  21. A very happy gotcha day to you all! :-)

  22. Wow, what a special day! Happy Gotcha Day, Georgia, JJ, Julie and Mom! We love you all, and hope your special lucky day was wonderful in every way (just like you)! :)

  23. Happy Gotcha Day and purrs from all of us!

  24. Happy belated Gotcha day!! And your mom is right she is very lucky!
