
Wednesday 27 September 2017

Julie is Home and Doing Well

Julie: As you can see, I am home!
I feel great and have had  some supper and today I 
had a good breakfast.
While I am not crazy about being at the Vet, I must
say I got lots of lovin' and scritches from one of the Vet Techs.
She told mum I was a  sweet,lovable kitty.
It's true, I am !

This is an X-Ray of my bottom teeth.
The yellow arrows show the two teeth that were removed.

I am happy to be home and getting back to my routine
and my porch!


  1. Julie, we're glad you're home and doing well! Losing two teeth in one go is pretty good, actually. Take care; the boys are sending lots of healing purrs.

  2. Julie, you are such a cutie, and we are glad that you've come through this ordeal well. Having icky teefs is no fun, so now you are in the pink!

  3. We are glad you only had two teeth removed. I had FOUR! And I looked all swollen for a week! It was very embarrassing... Gemini

  4. Julie we are so glad you're home and feeling good!

  5. We're glad you got through that OK but sorry you had two teeth stolen. Did you get them back to put under your pillow at least?

  6. Julie, I'm so happy that your dental is done and you are home! Enjoy porch time :-)

  7. That is wonderful news sweet Julie, that makes us all very happy!

  8. I'm glad the dental went well, and you only lost a couple of those little teeth!

  9. julie...yay !!! ....we iz buzzed happee for ewe N glad ur home N doin grate; lotz oh trout soop over de next few ta help yur mouth a bit N ewe will bee bak ta 100000000000 purr cent in quik time !!!! due knot forgetz bout de blankit :) ♥♥

  10. Oh, hooray! We are glad that went well, Julie!

  11. Those two wee teeth gone bye bye will not affect your beauty when you smile, laugh or yawn...promise! You look gorgeous and I will stop complaining that when I went, I got my nails cut! XXXX (and told I am um...fluffy. TOO fluffy.)

  12. i went to the dentist yesterday too. no tooth removal for me tho.

  13. Thank you for the kind words you left for me on the loss of sweet Phoebe. I am glad the dental went well for Julie, the tooth fairy will send her a gift. XO

  14. We're glad you're home and feeling good ! Purrs

  15. If those teeth were troublesome, then they are best out of there. Glad to know you are doing well.
    Purrs & Hugs!
