
Friday 29 September 2017

Last Friday of Vacation

Georgia: We have had a great week with mum when she 
was on vacation. 
We also had lots of sunshine except for Thursday when it poured.

I enjoyed lots of mum time with scritches and brushings.
I was so relaxed, I enjoyed lots of good naps on the porch.

Good think tomorrow is Saturday and we still have mum for 
a few more days..
We are happy we will have sunshine too.

JJ and Julie enjoyed snoozes on the porch.
Julie recovered very quickly from her dental surgery.

As you can see, she is quite happy.

JJ thought he might get more rest sitting on the back of the couch,
by himself.
He did.

Early Thursday morning, mum was in the kitchen getting our
breakfast when she looked out the window.
She saw Rocky Raccoon.

He really wanted the sunflower seeds.
He tried for a bit, then something scared him and
he ran away.

We really enjoyed our week.
Now, we are going to enjoy our weekend.
That means FUN!
We purr you all have a FUN weekend too!!


  1. I'm glad you guys had such a nice, mostly-sunny week with your human on her staycation!

  2. That's wonderful to hear Miss Julie feels better !
    and you all have a beautiful day, nice and shine =^x^=
    I hope you have a lovely coming weekend

    PS : mom said the raccoon looks like me! lol

  3. You've had an adventurous week, especially with that raccoon! We bet Julie would have preferred to do without the "adventure" of a dental, though. We're glad she's recovered!

    Enjoy the last few days with your mom on her staycation. Our biped's staycation starts at 11:30 AM today (extra half-day vacation, last minute). Boy, we can't wait! (And neither can she!!!)

  4. I so wish I had a porch like yours, kitties! And I certainly would enjoy having some vacation time like your mum...

  5. hopefully it's the best weekend ever.

  6. Guys that sounds like a pawsitively wunderpurr week, love all the photo's too!

    Big hugs

    Basil & Co xox

  7. Julie, what a belleh shot! Our mom would be all over that. We're glad you all had a nice time with your mom during her staycation. We bet you'll have a good weekend too!

  8. You are looking gorgeous in the sun, Georgia! Julie sure looks very happy. We are glad she has recovered quickly :-)
    Great photos of Rocky Raccoon! Have a happy weekend! xo

  9. I am glad you enjoyed your staycation and I hope you all have a great weekend!

  10. guys...we noe ewe all hada grate time; well knot julie ALL de time♥ but we noe ewe N joyed havin mum home....may bee her will getz sum mor staycayshunz soon ! ☺☺♥♥

  11.! You are a beautiful splendid color to be envied! JJ you too! Julie...what a diva looking glamour puss you are!

  12. That was a fun visitor to watch. We're sorry your vacation time with your mom is almost over. She needs to stay home all the time like our mom. :)

  13. be careful! those raccoons can be mean!! Glad that you had a good week with your Mom! catchatwithcarenandcody

  14. I am glad you all had a good vacation with your mom home. I am glad too that Julie has recovered well from her dental.

  15. We're so glad you all had such a wonderful week off with Mum! And that's such great news about Julie feeling so good after her dental. :)

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend, sweet pals!

    P.S. - Rocky sure does want those seeds!

  16. I'm sure your Mom enjoyed spending time with you all, too!
    Glad you had lots of sun =)

  17. Relaxing together is so good. And that sure was a hungry coon!

  18. Wow, this piece of writing is pleasant, my younger sister is analyzing such things, so I am going to tell her.
