
Friday 13 April 2018

Finally Friday !

Hi friends and welcome to Friday the 13th!
Actually, it's not so bad. We are indoors and it is a bit rainy
outdoors. The good thing is we had sun and warmer temperatures
this week and much of our snow is gone!
The rain we are likely to have for the forseeable
future should take away the rest.

Georgia: I am going to hand out here as it is a comfy spot.
I prefer sunshine to rain and do not wish to watch it fall.
Napping is more fun.Well, getting brushed is really fun too.

Julie: JJ and I are going to chase mum around the place
to see if we can convince her to give us treats!
We do not do anything special to earn treats. We think
we are good looking ,friendly and behave well and
should be rewarded for that.
How about it mum?
Please may we have some treats?   *

* mums like it when you are very polite and are more likely 
to give in to your requests for treats :)

Whether you get earned or unearned treats we purr
you all have a FUN weekend !

And, because it is Friday the 13th

from Julie


  1. Thanks for the reminder about Friday the 13th!! Not sure what is supposed to happen, but I will find out tomorrow. Meanwhile, enjoy the spring weather, finally the is snow gone!


  2. We forgot about Friday the 13th, too! Us black boys are glad we are indoor cats, that's for sure. And we're glad you don't have to do anything extraordinary for treats--we don't either and don't think we should have to! Have a great weekend!

  3. Well, at least the snow has stopped coming, and you have some fun plans for the weekend!

  4. That's a lovely photo of Georgia. And I agree, treats should be given freely. Enjoy your weekend.

  5. My momma are weird and likes Friday da 13th.

  6. I am glad the warmer weather is getting rid of your snow. It seemed like Spring had at last decided to arrive here, but today is damp and gloomy, more like autumn!

  7. Hopefully your Spring will show up soon. I hope you all have a fun and treat-filled weekend!

  8. Our biped considers Friday the 13th to be GOOD luck day because she bought her two childhood ponies way back on Friday August 13, 1976. Best single day of her entire childhood! :-)

    We hope you all have a great weekend! We're hunkering down with a 2-day freezing rain storm in the forecast. Good thing our biped stocked up on our food last weekend!

  9. It is sunny and beautiful and the trees are getting their eaves! YEA! You both look super shiny and happies!

  10. I agree you should be rewarded for being such good kitties and looking cute! Happy Friday the 13th :-)

  11. guyz.....we R knot a loud ta haz treetz tell yur mum ta let ewe all haz R share....heerz hopin yur week oh end iz grate !!! ;)


  12. theo heard the word treats so he's on his way over.

  13. How could she ignore your entreaties for treats?

  14. Would you believe we're getting 2-5 inches of snow tomorrow??? And then 2" of rain on Monday. SIGH

  15. I hope you have a great weekend and get lots of treats. XO

  16. Yay, no snow ! Have a fun weekend ! Purrs

  17. Julie, Georgia and JJ and Mom...Happy belated Friday the 13th. Around here, nothing awful happened. We had sun puddles galore to enjoy. XXX

  18. Looks like all of you had a good day. We wish you a great week ahead.

  19. Petcretary and pawppy are both born on a number 13, as well as several other family members and 13 is a lucky number! MOL!
