
Monday 16 April 2018

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: I am really making mum happy lately.
Usually when she wants to take my picture, I am sleeping.
I confess I do find sleeping an enjoyable pastime.
With the longer days, I am up more and mum likes that.

She really likes when I pose and look at the camera.
See mum, I am pretty easy to get along with.

 JJ also loves to sleep. When you are  an older cat, yousleep more.
 When JJ is not sleeping, he likes to get petted and eat!

Attention seeker Julie will sleep if mum is busy.
She likes to follow mum around when she is awake.

This past weekend we saw these fellows in the yard.
Chippy Chipmunk...

and Earl the Squirrel

Julie did not sleep all weekend.
Pop over to House Panthers to see her weekend.

Click the RED link.


  1. I like to sleep too - espeshully when momma wants a photo!

  2. We kind of like sleeping, too! You all look so lovely, Georgia, JJ and Julie. And Chippy and Earl, too. :)

  3. Although Binga is 17-1/2, she does not sleep as much as you might expect! She is awfully busy. Meanwhile, Boodie, who will be 17 next month, is awake at 1 AM, screaming at her favorite toy. Maybe they should sleep a little MORE!?

  4. You guys had good kitty TV programs this weekend! Alas, we did not, except for all the juncos in our back space. Oh, and one squirrel. Okay, we guess we didn't do too badly for entertainment.

    We love to sleep too, btw! In fact, that's pretty much all we did this weekend: sleep, eat, sleep, eat, repeat. :-)

  5. You are all such cuties, even Earl is pretty cute. Have a nice week! XO

  6. Georgia, I agree that sleeping is an enjoyable pastime! I love sleeping and it's the best when doing so with kitties :-)
    Chippy is adorable. And Earl, too! Happy Monday to you all xo

  7. thompson and diego-san sleep 23 and 1/2 hours a day. Theo sleeps about 10 minutes a day.

  8. JJ and Georgia, I love to sleep too...especially when Angel sings us awake too early!

  9. guyz....everee onez lookin mitee gorgeouz and handsum !!!! we hope de week a head izza grate one N ya get in plentee oh snoozin if thatz what cha want ....and chow time two ☺☺♥♥

  10. Lovely portrait, Georgia ! We love to sleep too ! Purrs

  11. We can imagine how happy your Mum was that you posed nicely, Georgia!

    The Chans

  12. We're glad you were awake for those terrific photos Georgia!

  13. Earl looks like he's already had a bit too many seeds! And you, Georgia, are the prettiest girl we know!

  14. Georgia, you posed well like a model for a poster! Purrs!

  15. With the three of you and all the wildlife, your Mom gets lots of personalities.

  16. Annytime TBT wants ta take a picture of us and we dont run over and weave around his feet, he is happy!

  17. OH Georgia, you know how mommy loves her a Tortie! You are looking gorgeous as always. JJ, you are too. I hope mancats don't mind being called gorgeous instead of handsome. are a smooth satiny treat to the eye!

  18. You are so pretty, Georgia! I am glad you like to pose for the camera...cause I do not, MOL!
    JJ is smart to sleep to keep his energy at he ready...and Julie is cunning, she sleeps to be all ready for your mom:)
