
Friday 6 April 2018

Let's Get This Weekend Started

Georgia: Guess what" Another weekend is here and
I am very happy.
It means mum will be around and I will bet lots of attention and 
some brushings. I love getting brushed. I love scritches too
and mum does that very well.

JJ: Oh yes Georgia,mum gives great scritches.
I also hope to get more.
Oh mum, a little to the right!!

Julie: NO MUM! Not the flash!!!

I do not want to give my friends the laser eye!
I just want to show them my "crouching tiger" form.
Not bad eh?
Like my siblings, I look forward to mum time this weekend.
We probably won't see any sun, but we will have FUN with mum!

How about you?
What are your plans for the weekend?
Will they be FUN ?
We purr so.


  1. My besties. I love when weekend comes for you three so you do get your mum time and extra scritchies and petting and warm lap time. XXX

  2. We hope you all have a great weekend. Don't forget to get some treats, too. That will make it just perfect!

  3. Julie, that is an excellent crouching tiger position. My mom has had lots of practice giving chin scratches. She's pretty good at it too.

  4. I hope my weekend is as fun as I bet yours will be!

  5. I know y'all will have a super fun weekend with the Mom!

  6. I love JJ's happy face as he gets nice scritches! And Julie, that's a great crouching tiger shot!
    I hope you all have a great weekend!

  7. Who needs sun when you have Mum? Okay, yeah, sun would be good, too. MOL! Have a good one!

  8. the boyz aren't too happy i have to work tomorrow. and i'm not happy we're supposed to get another major snowstorm sunday evening.

  9. Giving scritchies is a favorite pastime of mine! C'mon over, and we'll do scritchies from dawn until dusk!

  10. Cat time and mom time - sounds like a great way to spend the weekend.

    Sam Sam also loves getting brushed - something she and Georgia have in common :)

  11. No matter what the weather, I hope you all have a lovely weekend.

  12. It looks like your weekend is off to a good start. Happy weekend!

  13. You all look great. I hope you have a nice weekend with your mum. XO

  14. Yay for extra scritches ! Have a nice weekend ! Purrs

  15. Hope your weekend was filled with the best scritches ever!
