
Monday, 30 July 2018

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: We had some rain this weekend.
That is OK as we needed some and since we are
indoor cats, it does not matter to us.
We did miss the sunbeams though.

I like to hang out with JJ.
He is a good nap buddy.

Mum took some pictures in the yard.
She says there is a wild display of fungus.
Here is some bu a tree stump.

Here is Earl showing the size of the fungus on this dead tree.
See all the holes?
Those are squirrel apartments.

This plant is a Yucca
Mum moved it to this location a few years ago.
Our plant seems to bloom every 2 years.
Some plants can bloom every year.
Since this plant gets more sun and is not fighting
with other plants, it started blooming.
It never did in the old location.

As usual, Julie enjoyed her weekend.
Yes she is on the porch.

To see more of Julie on the porch,pop over to

Click the RED text link

Friday, 27 July 2018

Finally Friday

Georgia: Well, it is Friday once again .
We are happy that mum will be home all weekend 
and she is happy too. It was a pretty hot and humid week.
Not having to go out in the heat makes mum happy.
Good thing as she can spend her indoor time
brushing my furs!!

JJ: I am looking forward to random scritches and lots 
of naps in comfy places. There are many spots to choose from here.

Julie: I love having mum home because I love to
follow her wherever she goes.
She fives me lots of scritches and belly rubs.
She is also happy to report that my belly furs are growing 
back.I'm happy too as I will not be visiting the Vet!
Bring on porch time!!

Mr/Ms  Groundhog:
That human keeps looking at me.
Good thing she is indoors because I think she  really
wants to take my leaf!
Well, she is not going to get it!
I will run and hide.

Whatever you see out of your window we purr
it brings you joy.
Also, as it is a weekend... have FUN !!!

Monday, 23 July 2018

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: About 10 days ago, I went to the Vet for my
semi-annual check up.
I did pretty well, but I had to go back as they wanted a pee
sample and I would not give one to mum.
The Vet also said I had some raised enzyme levels in my
liver,but nothing to get worried about now.

She did call back to say my pee was pretty good. Whew!
Now I can relax a bit,though mum wants me to 
get up and move around more.
I just may do that as she will likely bruse me and I 
love getting brushed!

JJ: As the resident old fellow,I enjoy snoozing.
I also enjoy eating which pleases mum.
I'm trying to decide if I should go wandering or sleep more.
It is a little rainy outside, but at least the thunderboomers
of this morning are gone !

Maybe I will sleep on it for a bit.
At least until it's supper time. 

What is Julie doing?

To find out, pop over to 

Click the red link.

Friday, 20 July 2018

Cats and Critters Friday!

Georgia: The week is finally winding down and I know
mum is happy about that.She said it felt like a long week
but I know she only worked 5 days as usual.
Silly humans!
Anyway, as we get this weekend started, we will 
stary with some close ups of us and some of our
Critter TV.

Yours truly!

 JJ in a sunbeam.

Julie looking straight at you .
She normally does not pose for the camera.

Critter TV
Mr Groundhog, caught with a leaf in his mouth.

3 young raccoons out for an evening snack.

Two Northern Flickers(mum thinks but is not sure)

Have a pawsome weekend friends
and have FUN too!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, 16 July 2018

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: I was on the porch this weekend.
Mum brushed me lots and I loved it a lot.
I agreed to do a little posing for her.

My dramatic pose.

Looking pensive.

Showing my profile.

OK! I'm done now mum. 
I just want to relax out here.

JJ was looking out the door.

He is trying to make up his mind about where to go.

May this way?

What do you think?

You just know that Julie was on the porch too!

To see Julie's weekend , pop over to 

Click the red link.

Friday, 13 July 2018

Finally Friday...the 13!

Georgia: Hi friends and welcome to Friday!!!
I know mum is happy it's Friday because work
has been busy with people (not her) on vacation.
But now that the weekend is here, she is happy.
She should be because she gets to spend it with us!

JJ is  happy too as he knows he will get more scritches.
He will be looking for some treats too. Heehee

Mum saw Earl in the yard. He was eating a seed. 
Can you tell he was afraid she might try  and take it?

She told him to relax and eat his seed, so he did.

Mum also saw this young fellow.
Mr Groundhog was out and about and quite nervous
that mum was in such close proximity.
He kept his eyes on her to make sure she did not come closer.

We are all happy it is the weekend and we hope to have
our usual FUN!!
We hope you have FUN too!

Because it is Friday the 13th, Julie
has this special picture for you.

Monday, 9 July 2018

Weekend Porch Time with Georgia

Georgia: It was a really nice weekend.
I decided to go out to the porch for a while.

I enjoyed window wiffies and just relaxing.

There is always something to see out on the porch.

JJ: I enjoyed the porch too. It's a great place for a snooze.
The sun is so warm. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm!

Sometimes I have my younger sister Julie for company.
It was a good weekend!

Want to see more of Julie's weekend?
Pop over and see her at

Click the RED link.

Sunday, 8 July 2018

Oops, Mum forgot out Gotcha day, but our Friends Didn't !!!

Mum forgot our Gotcha Day yesterday!!!!
It was not until she checked her e-mail and saw
this amazing picture done for us as a gift by the 
Thank You  so much!!!!

Ok mum, since you FORGOT
you owe ud BIG time.
We want treats NOW!!!!

Friday, 6 July 2018

Happy Weekend with Close Ups

Georgia: We are excited that another weekend is here.
We are presenting some close ups.
This one is from a grooming session.
As you can see, mum always gets lots of furs from me.
She took this picture before removing the excess fur
that was left by the Zoom Groom.
She thought it was cute, I thought she was silly.

JJ: Mum took this picture after she called JJ's name.
He looked to see what she wanted.
He is a handsome brother.

Julie: Just to be different, mum took this picture of a napping
Julie. She often covers her face with her paws.
She is a silly sister.

Have a FUN weekend friends!!!

Monday, 2 July 2018

Still Enjoying the Canada Day Weekend

Georgia: All the celebrating makes a kitty tired!
We are still enjoying our mum time.

The really hot and humid days add to the drowsiness.
JJ has succumbed to the heat and is enjoying a good snze.

We think Julie is having happy dreams.
She certainly has happy feet!