
Friday 18 January 2019

Finally Friday

Hi friends! We are happy that Friday is here again.
We love having mum home to snuggle with.
Sometimes we like to snuggle together on the bed in the computer room.
We can keep mum company and she can give us scritches.
This weekend we will be watching  to see what 
kind of storm will be hitting us on Sunday.
Mum says it could be a BIG one with lots of SNOW!

In other news, the results of Georgia's tests are in
 and the Vet is pleased !
Georgia is doing very well and the kidney values
have improved  and the thyroid is the same so
no adjustments to her medications!

Guess that means we can all snuggle this weekend 
and engage in lots of FUN!!!
How about you?
What will you be doing this weekend?
Hope it will be FUN!


  1. Such a cute photo of the 3 of you. I I am glad that Georgie's tests were good. Have a wonderful weekend! XO

  2. That is great news about Georgia's test results! Have a snuggly weekend!

  3. Wonderful news re: Georgia's test results!

    We're bracing for a storm here too. Some forecast models are predicting only 10cm snow, some are predicting 20 - 30 cm. It'll depend on how it tracks! Usually when our storms come up from Colorado they swing around the lake and hit us from the east, depositing all the snow in our region in our driveway. So, haha, our biped will be out shoveling this weekend! :-P

    You guys take care and stay warm and cosy, and we'll keep our paws crossed that our storms blow elsewhere!

  4. Oh that is truly the best best news! Georgia, SMOOCHIE!

  5. That's terrific news Georgia!!! Y'all have a wonderful weekend and keep plenty warm!

  6. Good job, Georgia! Obviously, snuggling with your fur pals and your mum is keeping you healthy! We are hoping that this big cold and snow is just something that the weather people dreamed up...

  7. total lee awesum nooze georgia....yay N hooray frum uz two !!! hope mum haz de pan treez tocked with canned goodz N everee one stayz safe N warm ~~ :) ♥♥

  8. Good for our favorite little girl! Stay warm and toasty this weekend!

  9. That is very good news that Georgia has good test results.

  10. That's fantastic news, Georgia! We predict lots of cuddling here as well thanks to the storm.

  11. I’m glad Georgia’s test came back with good results! Now you can really relax :-) I hope the storm won’t cause any trouble for you. Stay warm and enjoy snuggling. Have a great weekend!

  12. Congrats for Georgia's good vet news ! May you all have a warm, snuggly weekend with all the snow !

  13. Great news about Georgia. Summer can’t get here soon enough...

  14. Great news for Georgia ! Have a pawsome weekend ! Purrs

  15. So glad Georgia got a good vet report. Hope all of you are getting in some good snuggling.

  16. Aww, we love this picture of you three cuties having a nice snuggle. :) And HOORAY, YIPPEE and WOOHOO for those good test results for Georgia! That's wonderful news.

    Stay warm! We hope the storm is not too bad today!


  17. That is such a wonderful photo of you all cuddling up together. we are happy to read that Georgia's tests were good. Thats pawsome news. Thanks for the share. Have a great day.
    World of Animals
