
Monday 14 January 2019

Monday Musings

Georgia: Well, I had my annual exam on Thursday night.
While my Vet is nice, I have seen more of her than I really like.
However, she is pretty pleased with me.

She stole a lot of things from me though.She took some pee,
some poop and some blood!!Then she gave me a rabies shot!
Whew, I was glad to get back home. Mum picked up a selection 
of food to try and we all liked some of them.
Mum has not heard about the results yet.
However, I am happy again and using the box too.

JJ: As the oldest kitty here, I must admit that my
greatest pastime is snoozing and eating.
I am back in my spot in the living room.
As you can see, mum has a nice spot for me and it is
mighty cozy and warm. I like posing too.

Julie: I like to be anywhere mum is.
She took this picture Sunday morning.
As you can see, the sun was coming up and shining on my furs.
The rising sun makes my furs look red.

I also like to hang out in the kitchen.
I love to roll on this matt and rub my face.
I rub my face when I'm happy and whenever
mum is around I am happy!

Happy Monday everyone!


  1. You all look fabulous! Georgia, we're glad the vet is pleased with you, and hope your test results come back good.

    JJ, that's a terrific, mancatly pose. So handsome!

    And Julie, we love how the rising sun makes you have red furs.

    Happy Monday, sweet pals!

  2. You are all looking lovely. And Georgia, I'm glad your trip to the vet was just for the "regular" stuff and you're doing well.

  3. Paws crossed for good test results, Georgia!

  4. Happy Monday to all of you! I am glad the vet was pleased with you, Georgia, and I hope your test results are good.

  5. We're glad your weekend was filled with sunshine!

    Georgia, we'll keep our paws crossed for your test results, that all is fine.

  6. I sure am glad your Vet visit is over and you can all be happy at home with the Mum!

  7. the vet should have paid you for all that you provided...

  8. Hi Georgia, I'm glad the vet visit is over. They always steal so many things and in return, gives you something ouchie!
    JJ, it looks really nice and cozy there. And Julie, your fur looks fantastic with sun shining on you!

  9. Georgia, oh the indignity! Here's hoping the tests come back with only good news.

  10. We hope your vet paid you something for everything she stole from you, Georgia. We cross our paws that you get good results. You look great you all ! Purrs

  11. Georgia sooo happy your Vet visit went well!

  12. Hopefully you won't have to go back for a long time, Georgia. Julie, you are looking very fine. And JJ, you and our mom have A LOT in common!! MOL!

  13. I am glad Georgie feels better. Nice to see you cuties. XO

  14. georgia, we hope ya get de best nooze frum de vet pluz her tellz ya ya winned free trout fora yeer for ewe Jj N julie ~~ wavez guyz !! ☺☺♥♥

  15. Such beautiful photos of everyone! Paws crossed for great results on your tests.

  16. We have our vet visit coming soon. We never know when, but we know it comes after it gets cold out.

  17. Oh you are too beautiful for all the tests not to be as perfect as you are. And I have to say my mom is a fan of yours as she misses Admiral, who was a Tortie too. XXXX

  18. Julie, you gleam like a newly minted coin! JJ, you make mom want to come straight over there to smooch you.
