
Monday, 29 April 2019

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Well, we had a mixed weekend. Lots  of rain
om Saturday and sunny on Sunday.
Naturally as indoor cats we did not mind and
\as mum did not have to go anywhere, she did
not mind either.She only went out to feed the birds.

JJ was enjoying the sun and the extra warmth!
So was another cat.

Julie: She's behind me with the camera isn't she?

Hi mum! 
Yup, just absorbing the rays.

The scene Saturday night.
Yup, we were lazy cats. MOL!

When it was not pouring on Saturday,
Mr Groundhog came out to feed.
He is pretty nervous so mum had to be sneaky and
not move to fast in order to take his picture.
She took this from the kitchen window.

All in all a pretty good weekend.
How was your weekend?

Friday, 26 April 2019

Finally Friday !

Georgia: Well friends, it's finally Friday!
It's been a crazy weather week with rain,warm and cool
temperatures and today...sun!!

That makes me really happy.
Sunshine makes pretty much everyone happy.
It feels really good on our bodies.

JJ likes the feel of sun. His eyesight is not good
anymore and he is blind in one eye.
Still, he is a happy guy and loves attention 
and food. That makes mum happy.

With very little sun this past few weeks, Julie has had a 
hard time enjoying herself on the porch.
Way back on April 14 was the last time the sun was shining
enough that Julie could bask in it.

As you can see, she loved it a lot!
She rubs her face when she is happy.

We are getting showers on Saturday(dang)  but
the sun returns on Sunday!
You know what happens then?  
FUN happens!

WE wish you all a FUN weekend !
What will you be doing?

Monday, 22 April 2019

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Hi friends and happy Monday!
We are having a pawsome weekend.
Mum was home for 4 days!!!!
She took today off and is going to a sister's
place to have an Easter dinner with her siblings.

We had a pretty good weekend. 
It was not sunny, but it did not rain either. 
Mum spent a good while cleaning and has lots of bags 
to throw out and donate.
We enjoyed having her around as she loves to
give us scritches and belly rubs.

Mum even took some time to work on JJ's furs.
They tend to get matted easily and when she does
not get to them tight away, he gets big matts.
It is a long process  and JJ is pretty good about
it...for a while.

He does like the attention though and the treats!

Julie is showing her raspberry. She thinks
mum should put the camera down and brush her!

She will also be happy when mum takes away the bags
she has all over the porch!
Mum says it's Spring cleaning.

Our snow is gone and all the rain we have had
is making the grass turn green!

The birds still like coming for seeds as other food sources
have not started growing yet.

The only thing we would really like to see now
is some sun!The forecast is for cloud/rain for the 
whole week and coolish temps!
It was pretty cloudy and rainy last week!

Friday, 19 April 2019

Happy Easter !

Happy Easter everyone!

Happy Good Friday !

Monday, 15 April 2019

Spring is Back With Sunshine!

Georgia: Dang mum!
Do you have to stop brushing me to take pictures?
You know I LOVE getting brushed!

Sorry Georgia but yes.
Your fans want to see your pretty face.S

Well, in that case,click away!

JJ: My eyesight is not the greatest but mum is 
really impressed with my appetite.
I love food!
I'm just not sure where the camera is.

Julie: Mum often sits in this chair to read.
When she gets up, I hop in!
Mmmmmm! Nice and warm. Heehee!

We had really nice weather this past weekend.
It was nice being on the porch!

The warm temps this past week really helped
melt the snow. WooHoo!

Mum looked out the window to the side yard and saw
Mr Groundhog!
We think he came to say Spring is finally here!

Friday, 12 April 2019

Let's Get This Weekend Started!


Well another week has passed and Friday is here.
WooHoo! It was an interesting week.
Monday we had a snowstorm!
This was what it looked like when mum got home.
There was about 10-15cm by morning.
Mum said it was light and fluffy so she used
a broom to sweep a path to the birdfeeder.

This is what the yard looked like last night.
A bunch of snow melted.
Today,the temps will be about 11C( ~50F) and sunny.
Saturday will be 11C and rainy so we expect the
snow will be gone! YAY!
Sun returns Sunday and it will be warm.
That means porch time!!

You saw my close up, here is one from JJ

and here is one from mighty mouth Julie.

She is "singing" the praises of being on the porch.

Whatever your weather we purr you all have
a wonderful and FUN weekend!!!!
Tell us what your plans are.

Monday, 8 April 2019

Monday with Julie

Julie: Our pal Earl the Squirrel is in good contrast
with the dusting of snow we had Saturday morning.
It was not enough to cover the seeds mum pot out.

Once the sun had a chance to shine for a bit,
the snow quickly disappeared.

Georgia and JJ are pretty good pals and like
to sleep together.
They did a lot of this on the weekend.

Sunday was a sunny day and I loved being on the porch.
Critter TV was pretty good. The squirrels were running around 
all over the place.

The only thing better than watching them would be
chasing them. To bad I am not allowed out.

Sunday morning after sunrise the sun was shining
on the branches of a tree. The branches were wet 
and a little sparkly in the early morning sun.
Mum really likes the effect, but it was hard to capture.
She will need to practise.

All in all, we enjoyed our weekend
We purr you did too.

Friday, 5 April 2019

Let's Get This Weekend Started!

Georgia: Yay It's Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is what mum is saying today.
She is happy the week is over and so are we.
This week we had some sun and on Wednesday we had
 lots of rain  and high winds,then Thursday was sunny and cool.
Today is sunny with some wind but warmer.

We always like Friday as it means mum is home 
for 2 days with us.
We are doing our Friday close ups.
We purr you like them.

Here is mine.



The big rain washed away all our snow.
All that is left is some ice that is shaded by big trees.
A it is mostly in the woods, mum is not concerned.
Neither is the little mourning dove in the bottom right corner.
She was here about 7:30 last night. Late for her.
She was eating any seeds that were left from 
this morning.

While the snow is gone, the grass has not started to grow yet. will happen soon.
That's what mum hopes. MOL!

What is it like where you live!
Is it cold,cool,wet or warm?
Whatever your weather, we purr you all still have

Monday, 1 April 2019

The 3 Amigos

Georgia: This past week, mum took pictures of we cats
when we were together. It does not happen often.
When mum leaves the house, she tends to turn the heat down.
We do not like that!
Therefore we like to share body heat.

It can also become bath time.
JJ loves to groom us.

Sometimes, we need our own space.

Most often is it just JJ and I.
When mum is home, Julie likes to follow her around

We had a pretty quiet week.
A lot of snow melted and now the yard is getting wet 
and muddy in some places.
Sunday was really sunny and warm 13C (55F)
Today...not as warm. Only 4C.
We will have a mix of sun and cloud and maybe rain.
No snow though!
Warmer days are coming! Slowly,but coming!
And that is no April Fools Joke!!!!
(we hope)