
Friday 26 July 2019

Finally Friday!

Georgia: Well it's finally Friday and the weekend is here!
We are happy and so is mum.
Our week was not too hot, but the weekend looks like it will be hot!
Mum is glad she will be home and not have to travel to work
in the heat.
I also like to lounge in this chair.It's comfy.

Oh yeah!! Really comfy.
You all look interesting upside down too! MOL!

JJ: What do you mean,"why am I laying on the floor" ?
It's cool and comfy.

Well, OK, this IS a bit more comfy!

Julie: Weekend,mum home,porch time,scritches.
Oh yeah!! I am SO ready!
Let's get this weekend started!!!!!!

I'll just rest up until mum gets home.

Happy weekend ahead friends!!!
WE purr it will be good for you and that you have a cool
spot if it is crazy hot where you are!
Whatever you do...Have FUN!!!!!
Stay cool too.


  1. Thankfully it has not been too hot here the past few days. We hope it keeps on being nice and not sweltering.

  2. It's heading back to hot here, today and through the weekend, but not as brutal as last weekend, thank goodness!

    We hope you all have a great weekend with lots of cuddles, scritches and treats. Take care. :-)

  3. Rest up, kitties! Your mom is gonna enjoy snuggling with you when she's home!

  4. We hope you have a purrfect weekend with some cooler times too!

  5. Awww Georgia, I love your upside down photo :-)
    We are expecting nicer (less hot) weekend here.
    I hope you all stay cool and have great weekend!

  6. It's going to be pretty hot here this weekend - I have a cat show, and I'm glad it's not too far away!

  7. We are happy too for the weekend. Georgia, you look so cute upside down. Thanks for the share. Have a wonderful weekend and stay cool during these hot couple of days.
    World of Animals

  8. We hope all of you have a wonderful weekend!

  9. We hope it doesn't get too hot for you. It was awful here this week but we are glad it is now cooler!

    Tama and Genji

  10. It has been very hot here but should start cooling down over the weekend.

  11. We’re supposed to have a hot weekend too. Guess we’ll all be doing our best to stay cool.

  12. We like to lie on the kitchen or bathroom floors when it gets really hot. The vinyl is much cooler than carpet! Have a fun weekend, kids, and try to stay cool!

  13. You will be ready for mom to come home and just be with you. I hope all three of you get in her lap at the same time. That much purring and softness would put my mom over the top in sweetness coming her way, if there were only more kitties here.

  14. Love to see all you pretty kitties ... happy weekend to you, and your Mom!

  15. I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your mum. XO

  16. We will have fun dear friends and please have plenty too

  17. Our weekend is pretty awesome so far, sweet pals. It's been hot, but not TOO hot. Big hugs to you all! XO

  18. Looks like you're all ready for the weekend. It is Hot here (forecasted to be 105 today). I hope to sleep the day away and wake up tomorrow when it's cooler!
