
Monday 22 July 2019

Hot,Hot Weekend!!

Georgia: Happy Monday friends!!
We had the HOTS this weekend!!
Where we live, we do not usually have temps
that are this high  with lots of humidity.
For us,32C(42C with the humidex) is really hot.
We do not always have lots of humidity.
If this is global warming we don't like it!

We are happy to be indoors as it is a bit cooler as we do not
get direct sun. We do feel the humid air though.
As a result, we relaxed pretty much all weekend.

JJ was on the porch. Mum wanted him to come in the house 
as it was a tad cooler.

JJ did not go in. He was pretty happy  where he was.

Julie loves the porch almost as much as she loves
hanging out with mum.

Time for a change of place. Down we go!

On to the couch.She stayed there a while and when it
got to hot she went inside to hang out with mum.
Mum was reading and Julie kept her company.

For all those that deal with the hots on a regular basis, we feel for you
and hope you have ways of staying cool!
We stay in the shade and drink lots of water!


  1. It's hard to keep one's cool, when it's roasting out! Glad to see you three kitties stayed mellow.

  2. We can relate, Georgia, JJ and Julie. It has been super hot and humid here, too. You three figured it out, though. Staying relaxed, and staying inside is where it's at. Big hugs to you, and to Mum, too!

  3. That is far too hot! It has cooled down to normal temperatures here 20-21C but still very humid. I just looked and right now it is 98%.

  4. We've had the hots around here for quite a while now, too, but I'm getting used to it. Even on the hottest days I love going out on the patio and snoozing in the heat. Mom and dad say they've officially turned into spoiled southerners what with how much they've been using the air conditioning at home and in the car lately. Have an awesome week, y'all.

  5. The weekend was brutal here, it hit 45C with the humidex on Saturday. It seems so distant now, but this is what it was like last summer, from June 2018 onward, steady. Usually we get a few heat waves that come and go, as we're having this year. Thank cod for central air. Our human's internal body temperature is at the "burning fires of hell" stage, so this heat isn't fun. LOL.

    We're glad you made it through, it should cool down now--we've got a break from it at the moment (Monday).

    Take care, all of you, and stay hydrated!

  6. You poor kidlets. We don't like it when the heat combines with humidity either--it makes us feel like noodles! Relief is on the way, though...maybe the cold front we got will reach you?

  7. we had our hottest day of the summer friday. thankfully it rained on saturday and things are now much cooler. glad you all survived the heat...

  8. I can imagine you like your normal weather best. We've sure had the hots here for a while.

  9. Hot and humid are not fun at all! Here in Georgia, summer is always like that. Just relaxing is the best way to spend such weekend :-)
    The kitty art in the 2nd picture is very pretty!
    Stay cool and have a wonderful new week xo

  10. guyz......trout on ice ina kewler helpz in timez like theez; ask yur mom ta set up one ore twenttee two for ya on de porch !! ☺☺♥♥

  11. That's awfully hot for us, and we have the same weather *sigh*. Stay cool buddies ! Purrs

  12. The weekend was really high in humidity here. Starting tomorrow we go back to the '80s. Looks like you all found your ways too stay cool. Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful rest of your week.
    World of Animals

  13. Yep...that's our weather from at least May through November. This year we had many days of over 100 degrees in May which was a bit early. I'm a native Floridian, but I HATE hot weather. It could be a lot worse I know, like when we have Hurricanes, yeah, but we don't have one right now so it's all good. :)

  14. It’s cooler here now. Hopefully, this weather is making its way to you.

  15. Glad you had a nice weekend despite the heat. XO

  16. It was way too hot and very humid here too last week. Monday was gorgeous! And so much more moderate with temps about 75, and lower humidity. Ahhh. Glad you kitties have a choice between the hot porch and the inside coolness...

  17. That is AWFUL weather! I hope things improve quickly.

  18. All of you...try not to spend to much time in the hots. JJ, you too. Older bones like heat but you don't want too much.

  19. It has been really hots here but Dad has us inside with the air so we are happy cats. Purrs to you all
