
Friday, 25 October 2019

Friday Close Ups and Mum too!

Georgia: I am very happy that it is Friday.
I love having mum home on the weekend.
She likes it too as she loves hanging out
with us.

JJ: I am happy  too. As the weather gets colder, 
mum turns the furnace on.
It really feels good on my old bones.

Julie: I LOVE having mum home. 
She gives me great belly rubs and cuddles.
I like to sit on her lap when she reads her books.
I like to hang out with mum.

Mum: Some of you  on FB have heard that my brother 
was lost in thick woods for 4 days.
Search and Rescue came in to help search for him.
He walked out of the woods on day 4 and 
a man checking a water tower asw him and said 
"You're the guy they're looking for!"
After being checked out at the hospital, he was pronounced
We gathered at Thanksgiving October 13 and this is a family
picture.Just 1 sister missing as she lives in Ottawa.
Good news, she is moving here next year!
Brothers in law are at the end.
My brother that was lost is 2nd from the right.
My sister in front on the right blogged as
"Team Tabby" They blog once in a while  as there
is only Mindy now.
Yours truly is beside her in front in blue.
Picture taken by the brother of the guy on the right.

We had lots to be thankful for this year and 
we are thankful every day for family!

We will be having FUN this weekend.
What FUN will you be having?


  1. Oh my dear, how terrifying for you and your family! Thank goodness it ended well.

    It's fun seeing you! We're glad your other sister will be joining you next year. Our mom's sister is in California (about 850 miles away) and having the two of them closer would make Mom happy, especially with a medical scare she had this week.

    Have a great weekend, all!

  2. I'm so glad your brother is okay! I can only imagine how scared everyone was for him.

  3. OMC! How frightening to have been lost like that, and we can only imaginer how worried you all must have been. Glad he is well and 'found'!

    Nice closeups, and such a nice family portrait!
    It will be wonderful to have your sister closer again...
    Us siblings and cousins are scattered all over the US and Canada, with many cousins in The Netherlands. It is HARD to all get together, but the NA contingent manages that each November...and petcretary will attend as well:)

  4. We're so glad your brother is safe ! How scary ! Lovely family portrait, have a fun weekend ! Purrs

  5. Oh, my gosh, what a terrible time for you all. I'm glad he walked out and was fine, and that you all celebrated Thanksgiving together.

    I'm an only child, with one parent in Halifax and one in Vancouver, so you are very lucky to have close siblings. I'm glad you'll all be together when your sister moves!

    Everyone take care and have a wonderful weekend.

  6. He was lost, and then found himself! WOW!
    Julie, I read books with The PO'M in my lap, and I set the book right on him!

  7. Oh my gosh, how scary your brother was lost for 4 days. It must have been really difficult for everyone. I'm so glad he is safe and healthy now. It's a beautiful family photo. And I love kitty close-ups, too :-)

  8. wow. glad things turned out well for your brother.

  9. OH my gosh, having your brother missing is a horrible experience for him but for all of you. I am tickled that your sister is moving there near you next year. I would be so glad if that had happened to me with my brothers. stay warm handsome boy. Love to all three of you.

  10. We are so happy your Brother is safe and found! We love your photos sweet kitties and we loved the Mom's family photo too! Have a fun weekend everyone!

  11. What fun closeups! And a lovely family photo. We are SO glad your brother was found safe and sound.

  12. You all look great- including your mum. I don't get on FB often so I missed all that. I am glad her brother is OK. Have a wonderful weekend! XO

  13. Thanksgiving ... reunited, as it should be. Thankful for a family together again.

    PS ... we gots old bones, too, having the warmth of the furnace on is very very nice as winter makes its slow arrival.

  14. We are so glad he was alright. that sounds so scary for everyone. Great Thanksgiving photos. We remember Team Tabby and used to visit all the time. So many blogs have gone quiet we are glad you all are going strong.
    Cats it sure is nice to have heat on. Dad keeps ours cool but we make up by laying on him. He says he feels like he is hostage when he wakes in the night and 5 cats are on him

  15. We were so happy to learn your brother was found safe and healthy. And your sister is moving back? How exciting!

    Georgia, JJ and Julie, we love your closeups, and hope you are having a great weekend with Mum. HUGS!
