
Monday 25 November 2019

Monday Musings with Georgia and Julie

Georgia: We had a pretty quiet weekend.
Mum went to a birthday for her Grand-Niece who was
turning 1 year old.
It was pretty cold outside too and even the porch
was cool. I did not stay out here long.
Lucky for us mum has the furnace turned on !
Then Sunday night it started to rain and got really  windy.
Today is still raining and windy, so I will be in the house 
where it is warm and dry.

Julie: I missed mum when she was away at the party.
When she came back I got some belly rubs.
That made me happy.
I got to hang out with her on Sunday as she did chores
and other stuff.
I like having mum home and wish it was more often.
I need a belly rub.

Friday 22 November 2019

Let's Get This Weekend Started!

Georgia: We are waiting patiently for the weekend to start.
When mum comes home, that's when the FUN will start!
Two days with mum. WooHoo!

Julie: Georgia is right. I am waiting for mum to come
and rub my belly! I love belly rubs.
I follow mum around the house and when she stops,
I flop in front of her so she can rub my belly.
Why yes! I do have her well trained! MOL!

How about you friends?
What FUN will you be doing this weekend?

Monday 18 November 2019

Monday Musings with Georgia and Julie

Georgia: Sunday, we had some sun and it was pretty nice
on the porch. Good thing we got to enjoy it
because the rest of the week is going to be rainy!

I jumped from tha couch to the window ledge.
Mum was too slow to catch me in action.

I may be 16, but I can still be fast and jump quickly!

Julie: Mum, why do you have to take pictures 
when I'm trying to sleep?
Mum: Because your fans like to see you.

Fans?!   Hi there ! Nice to see you.
I am enjoying the warm sun on the porch.
It really feels good. Great for snoozing too!

Friday 15 November 2019

Let's Get This Weekend Started!

Georgia: Well, another week has come to an end.
For us, it was a short week since mum was on 
holiday  from Monday to Wednesday.
Now it's Friday and the weekend is here!
I am looking forward to some funtime and 
some Zoom Groom time!

Julie: While today is a bit rainy, it is warmer 
than Thursday was. The weekend looks to be 
sunny and coolish.
It also looks to be filled with mumtime. I love that part!
That means we will be having FUN!
Hurry home mum!

We really want to get this weekend started!
We want to have FUN!
We purr you all have a FUN weekend too!!

Monday 11 November 2019

Remembrance Day 2019

On this day we remember and give thanks
to all who have served  our country in the many conflicts
around the globe. We honour their sacrifice.

They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old;
Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.
At the going down of the sun and in the morning
We will remember them.
We will remember them.

Friday 8 November 2019

Happy Weekend Ahead!

Georgia: We are happy this Friday.
That's because mum is taking a few days vacation!
She will only work Thursday and Friday next week.
I am looking forward to having mum around.
I will be looking forward to more brushing sessions!

I love getting brushed and I love having mum around.
It will be a pretty cloudy,rainy week and mum is happy
to stay home. I like that!

Hey mum! The Zoom Groom is here and so am I!!!

Julie: Oh how I love to have mum home.
She gives such great belly rubs!

Wait! What did you just say?!
Pawticure? Nail trim?!
I don't like pawticures!!!

Georgia: Just ignore the drama queen!
Nail trims do not last long if you don't squirm Julie!

What will you be doing this weekend?
We purr it involves tons of FUN!!!!!

Monday 4 November 2019

Dona Nobis Pacem

It is that time again when we blog for peace.
Dona Nobis Pacem-Grant Us Peace

This year we focus on Climate Change.
It is important to be kind to our planet because if we kill our planet
there will be no "Us"

WE believe you humans are smart enough to do what 
it takes to be kind to our planet.

Start today. Think GREEN

Click on GREEN and follow the link.

Be sure to visit  the official