
Friday 25 June 2021

Finally Friday and the Weekend Starts!

Julie: I was hoping to go outside last night.
I gave mum a big hint by sitting on the porch.

That did not work, so I followed her into the
living room. She said  that tonight was not good
as she has a conference call for a group she
is involved with.

I sat beside her while she was on the call to
make sure  she knew I was not happy.
She promised that Friday  night will be better.
She will be able to devote all her time to ME!
That seems fair, right?

Actually mum is really good to me so I am
not worried . After all it's Friday night!!!
I like weekends. They are FUN!!!!!





  1. Julie! Wow! You got to help your Mom with an inline meeting!?! Our Mom locks us out go the room when she has meetings. We hope you have a marvellously happy weekend and you get all the attention you deserve.

  2. I'm sure you will have lots of fun this weekend, Julie!

  3. Well let's hope this weekend doesn't disappoint, dear girl. Here's to a super FUN weekend.

  4. Julie, you make sure your mum makes that up to you with lots of outdoor time and brushies this weekend. Take care!

  5. I hope you get some fun outside time and have a totally wonderful weekend too sweet Julie!

  6. julie yur mum had sum kinda nerve takin a call like that.... what if ewe kneaded sum food ore treetz...wood she had put de call on HOLD ....


    any way, ya still bee gorgeouz and heerz two a grate week end

  7. I am glad your mum will have lots of time for you this weekend. You are such a beautiful girl. XO

  8. You have a fabulous weekend Julie and those were all gorgeous photos of you.

  9. Julie, don't tell anyone else this, but Sweetie was snoring loud enough to be heard on my Zoom meeting today!

  10. glad she's finally paying attention to what's important. norma and alias have learned that when i'm talking to my computer or voices are coming out of it, it's their chance to knock things over or otherwise be unruly.

  11. I hope you get some outside time this weekend, Julie.

  12. I am sure your mom would rather spend her time with you.

  13. Julie, you are just the best girl! You appreciate your mama and know that once in a very great while, there are other things she must do. You sat with her and supervised. THAT was a good contribution!

  14. We know your mum loves you so much, Julie, and that the two of you will have a great time this weekend. Have FUN! XO

  15. We hope your weekend is wonderful and full of the best of Mommy and Me times!

  16. A brief call is ok, but long calls are too much of an interruption to our Mom time. I'm sure she will make it up to you.

  17. Julie it sure is annoying when our parents have that "stuff" they have to do instead of pay attention to us right. So glad you have had a great weekend dear friend
    Angel Timmy
