
Friday, 30 July 2021

Long Weekend Ahead with Mum !

Julie: Are you calling me mum?
Is it time to come in already?

OK! I'm coming!

You have some treats...right?
And some brushing time?

Mum: Yes Julie. Come on, let's go!

One day, mum was looking out the kitchen window
and this is what she saw.
She had not seen the deer for quite a while.

 We are having a 3 day weekend.
That is because it is Natal Day.
That is the day we celebrate our city's birthday!
Happy Birthday Halifax!!

I am looking forward to an extra mum day!!
You know that will be FUN!!!!!


  1. You ARE good to come in when you're called, Julie. Not even Derry does that, though he can tell when this biped means business. LOL. Angel Nicki would have been off and never seen again -- lol.

    Happy long weekend, enjoy the extra day with your mum!

  2. Have a lovely long weekend with your mum.

  3. I'm having a long weekend too, Julie.
    Think I'll try to catch up on some sleep.

  4. You look very happy sweet Julie and I know you'll enjoy your long weekend with Mum!

  5. What a good cat you are! I, Marv and Kozmo come when we are called, but Jo Jo ignores Mom. You are one terrific cat! And Thank You for coming to my Birthday Party at Ann and June's blog. We are blessed to have such wonderful blogging furrends! We have our interwebs back, at least until the wind changes and everything goes up in flames. Have a happy long weekend. We know we will!

  6. Julie, I love seeing your happy tail. Lots of brushes are yours, and certainly treats because you are the best little girl I know.

  7. Happy Halifax Day!I hope you have a wonderful weekend with your mum. XO

  8. Enjoy your long weekend with Mom Julie ! Purrs !

  9. We hope you and mum have a wonderful long weekend ahead. We love seeing you hurrying back home for treats and some brushing time. Thanks for sharing the beautiful photos. Have a fun weekend.
    World of Animals South Philadelphia

  10. You sure are getting lots of outside time, Julie. Enjoy your long weekend with your mum!

  11. How cool that you get an extra day of fun this weekend!

  12. Happy Natal Day. Sounds festive.

  13. A Big Happy Birthday and looks like a really great weekend in store for you Julie

  14. I remeber the two Natal Days I had experienced when I was living in Halifax! They are a lot of fun!

    Have a great weekend...a LONG weekend, Julie! I think in Canada the holiday is Civic Day?

    No holiday here...LOL!

  15. We hope you and your Mom have a great long weekend!!

  16. Woot! Have a fun long weekend with Mum, Julie! Happy birthday, Halifax! XO

  17. It certainly is nice to have a nice long weekend with your humans. Purrs and hugs!

  18. We hope you're having lots of fun on the long weekend!

  19. Happy SPECIAL Weekend ... Julie, you are such a well behaved lady!

  20. julie; we hope ewe mum iz N joyin de week end long wize; and yur getting lotz oh brushinz and treetz....and make sure mum orderz ewe sum foodz online and may bee sum new toyz and her letz ewe out then bak in...if herz knot at werk, her shuld bee doin thiz stuff !!! ;) ☺☺♥♥

  21. It is great to have the Mum home to spoil you!
