
Tuesday, 3 August 2021

Mum's Random pics From the Weekend

Julie: It was nice having an extra mum day.
It was quite a rainy day too so mum was happy
to be  home. I liked it too.
Happy Birthday Halifax!

The ducks stopped by as they know mum still puts
out some seeds. They enjoy them a lot.

We even had a visit from a cheeky squirrel!!!!

 We did have some sun on the weekend and I found 
it on my fuzzy mat. I get lots of brushings on this mat.
I like that a lot too!
This is also where I get lots of brushings.
I REALLY like that! It feels so good !


  1. Thank you for sharing the view out your back door with us.

  2. It looks like you and your human had a nice long weekend, Julie.

  3. Julie, I have to tell you that Paddy really enjoys brushies too!
    When outside, I could only get a few licks on his with a brush, but inside, as he lounges in my lap, I can really go over all of him, and he enjoys it!
    Am hoping his fur gets thicker, when we get him in tip-top shape.

  4. Those are fun photos and I'm glad you and Mom had a good bonus day sweet Julie!

  5. julie; glad ewe N mum hada grate day....her skiez foto iz awesum....we willna leeve a commint bout de... ewe noe whatz tho ~~~~ ;) ♥♥☺☺ !!!

  6. What a great weekend you had, Julie!

  7. Pretty, pretty, oh so pretty!

  8. Glad you had a nice long weekend with lots of brushies from your mum. XO

  9. A long weekend with brushies every single day...pets, lovins and outside too? WHOA!

  10. What a great long weekend you and Mum had, Julie! We think our favorite part was you getting brushed on that awesome mat. :)

    Hugs to you and Mum!

  11. Great photos but the one we like the best is you Julie!

  12. Glad you had a good long weekend.
    Rainy weather is good to make the peeps stay at home,LOL!

  13. We are glad you had a purrfect long weekend! Ducks are fun to watch! Do you get to watch them! We don't have a special place for brushing. We are going to ask our Mom for something special, like you! We hope you have a marvellously happy day!

  14. Fun weekend, Julie! We like your fuzzy mat.

  15. I am glad you and your mum had a good weekend.
