
Monday, 27 September 2021

Views From My Windows

Julie: Hello friends and Happy Monday!
Today I am sharing things that I have seen from the
windows in my place.

It was duck and the raccoons were out kooking for food.
The picture is not great as mum had to shoot
through the patio doors and dusk.

In the front yard, the search continued.

On Friday, mum saw this coloured leaf.
This is the 1st Fall leaf in our yard!

This leaf was on another tree.
The  maple trees seem to be the ones that turn
first. Pretty soon, there will be lots of colourful 
leaves on trees!
Fall is a pretty time of year and a season
that mum likes best!

Yesterday we had a lot of wind and rain.
Today is  s bit more sunny, but rain will return for
the rest of the week.
Gee! I may not get ant outdoor time...darn!

Friday, 24 September 2021

Pet Photo Fails with Julie!

Julie: Today I am telling you about the common
problems incurred when photographing a 
black cat.
Lighting is important.
With all our black furs, it is easy to miss 
seeing things like our eyes. 
Be sure your cat is looking at the camera.

Some editing may be required if the situation is
low light.
If you are looking for a silhouette, then black
cats are perfect.
Mum knows these things and still gets lots
of photo fails.

Usually, mum is just happy if I look at the camera.
I do not always cooperate. MOL!!!

Join Pet Photo Fails hosted by
Mudpie at

You know that will be FUN!

Monday, 20 September 2021

Feels Like Fall!

Julie: Sunday was sunny, but there was a coolness in the air.
Fall is coming!

Still, sunny is sunny.

I did enjoy some time outside, but I like indoors.

Indoors is climate controlled.
I like being comfy and all my cozy spots
are indoors.
Indoors is a safe place to relax and snooze.

 I purr you all had a good weekend too.

Friday, 17 September 2021

A Present for Julie!

Julie: Mum, did you say that you have something 
for me?

Yes Julie. I found a nice big feather for you when I was
outside. Do you like it Julie?

Oh yes!!! This is pawsome!

Look at how cool this feather is!

I really like this feather!
Thanks mum!

Oh boy!!
This is FUN!!!


Monday, 13 September 2021

Julie Looking at the jungle

Julie: I was sitting outside Sunday afternoon.
It was quite nice and comfortable .
Not too hot, not too cold.

I do think, however, that mum needs to cut the grass!
It is starting to look like a jungle!

I also spent some time in the tower cup.
It has a great view and is very comfy.
It is also easy for mum to walk by and give me 
scritches. I like that!

 All in all, it was a pretty good weekend for us.
This week is looking pretty good too.
Nice comfy temperatures and sunshine.
Mum might get ambitious and cut the grass...
yeah, I don't think so either!

Friday, 10 September 2021


The days are getting shorter and the nights longer.
Rainy days also make the days seem darker.
Mum snapped this picture last night.
It was around 8PM and it was raining.
There was not much light coming in the window.
Therefore, this picture is dark.
I am also dark.

 Rest assured, my personality is anything
BUT dark !!!!
The good news...the weekend will be sunny and light!
Here's hoping you all have a light and FUN weekend!!

Monday, 6 September 2021

Labour Day, Mum Day

Julie: I am happy today because mum is home.
She says it is Labour Day and it is a holiday.
I really like holidays because I like having mum at home!!

I was outside for a shirt time.
Fall is coming and I could feel it in the sir.
It was quite cool and cloudy.

I went indoors and lay on my table with my 
favourite mat. It is fuzzy, comfy and warm.

This is also where I get most of my brushings.
 Can you tell I am a happy cat? 


Friday, 3 September 2021

Julie's Sleeping Spots

Julie: Like most cats, I have a lot of favourite
sleeping spots around the house.
I like this shelf on the wall.
It's padded and cozy.

My cat cup on the little cat tower is quite comfy.

I really like sleeping in the launder room.
It's warm and cozy!

I love this cat bed on top of a filing cabinet.
It is really cozy!

Do you have favourite spots where you like 
to sleep. I bet you do!!
A favourite spot is FUN!!!!
So is having mum home for the weekend!!
I hope you all have a pawsome and FUN weekend