
Friday 22 October 2021

Julie's Vet Visit

Julie: Mum kidnapped me!
She put me in the PTU and we went to the Vet!

I was not too happy.
However, after the exam, the Vet said she
was happy  that I was doing well!
She said my teeth looked really good!
While I did not like her taking my blood and pee
I am glad it made her and mum happy.
The Vet will call mum with the results of
the pee sample and blood sample.

 The best part, we were not there too long 
and I came back home and had a good
Whew! I am glad that is over with!!
Now I can enjoy the weekend .
That will be FUN!!!!


  1. Hi Julie. We're glad it was a good check-up and hope the test results are good! Have a lovely weekend. 🙂

  2. Oh noes, Julie...we know exactly how you felt!
    Lucky for us, Da Boyz's recent vet visit went well, and they didn't seem to be mad at us at all.
    Betcha you don't weigh 14 lbs, like Big Man Chili Bruce does!

  3. the horror of the PTU... hope the results are healthy...

  4. Sorry you had to go to the awful vet. I hope your blood and pee are fine. Have a wonderful weekend. XO

  5. julie...we iz sorree ewe had two go two de place oh eeeeeevil but thanx bee ta cod ewe got a good ree port that day....984 pawz crozzed mum N ewe get even more good nooze :) ☺☺♥♥♥ happee week end !

  6. I'm glad it was a quick visit and all sounds good sweet Julie!

  7. I'm glad your vet visit was uneventful, Julie. And paws crossed for good test results.

  8. I am glad your visit went well Julie, and hope the test results are good too.

  9. Sounds like you're doing good, Julie. I bet you're happy that's over now. ~Ernie

  10. Glad you got good news from the vet and didn't have to be gone too long ! Hope you and Mom can relax this weekend !

  11. At least you got to come back home quickly!

    Hope and pawray that the test results will be favorable.

  12. We're glad it was quick, and everything went well ! Purrs

  13. Sounds like you were a good patient and had a good visit, so go ahead and make the most of the weekend, Julie!

  14. Sweet Julie, I am so glad you got THAT over with! Our mom's hate to take us, but we have to go. We are always better off. XXXX

  15. Going to the vet is not so fun, but we sure are super glad you got a good report, Julie. Have a fun weekend with Mum! XO

  16. Julie the best part of a Vet visit is when it's over! So glad yours was so EZ and now your home and everything is back to normal!
