
Monday 25 October 2021

Views From My Window

Julie: When I look out this window I can see the 
effects of Fall. The leaves are changing colour
and they look pretty.

The leaves in these trees have turned yellow.
In front is some of the tall grasses mum likes.
They are taller than her!
I do lot eat that king of grass!

Across from the driveway we see more pretty leaves.

The leaves on this Burning Bush are quite red.
They are quite vibrant and pretty.

Though Fall means the days are getting cooler and shorter,
it is a pretty time of year.
That means all the tasty grass will gone be gone too...darn!


  1. We've been hearing that the fall colours in the Maritimes have been exceptional this year! Our trees are just beginning to change!

    Thanks for sharing your views, Julie!

    Tama and Benny

  2. Our colours have been less than stellar this year, the early fall was too warm maybe. You have to head out of the city a bit to see real fall colours.

    Maybe your mom will grow some cat grass for you through the winter, Julie, until you can eat the fresh stuff in the spring.

  3. You have such lovely views! Lucky girl.

  4. Beautiful colors ! Thanks for sharing ! Purrs

  5. you have a great view of things...

  6. julie...pleez a tell mum ta get sum grazz for ewe at de stor....and KNOT BURD SEEDZ !!!! ☺☺☺

    it bee fallz time heer two; de heet o matic haz been set ta tern on,
    been brisk heer late lee ~~~~

  7. Its rainy and windy and chilly here, too. We are thankful for the nice warm heating vents, LOL! Some of our trees are quite colorful around here, but others are just drab and dropping their foliage. Don't lets even mention the yucky walnuts what rained down like huge hail last night. Blech!

  8. Our colours are muted this year, because we've had warmish temps. It takes a good cold snap or two to make the leaves turn brilliant!
    And it's been raining for hours and hours squirrels or birds for the cats to watch.

  9. Such beautiful fall colors you have to look at. A few trees are changing colors here too. It makes the world pretty for a few weeks.

  10. We haven't had good colours this year .The storms blew most of the leaves off the trees before they could change. We do have lush green grass all year round though.

  11. It's definitely the prettiest time of the year. Wish it lasted longer!

  12. So pretty, Julie. The trees are taking their time changing colors here.

  13. WOW, you sure do have a colorful and pretty view sweet Julie!

  14. We had lots of rain today! I hope that means we'll be having green season soon. Green and brown are mostly the only colors we get.

  15. What a lovely view, Julie! Our leaves are beginning to turn too.

    We bet you'd like cat grass. Tell your mum to get some!

  16. Julie, I love seeing the colors too. As with most of the kitties here said about their areas, our trees are taking their time too. Mom said she needs to go out and search for them..the way she always does.

  17. So pretty, Julie! But the thought of the grass going away is pretty sad. Hugs to you and Mum!
