
Friday, 31 December 2021

Julie says Happy New Year!

Julie: So, mum says that this year is coming
to an end tonight. Tomorrow will be a 
new year after midnight. 2022 in fact!
As  a cat, I tend to not pay.
 attention to such things.
All I know is the humans tend to celebrate.
I suspect that there may be some
travel in the works too.
Mum has a birthday next week and is
taking a few days off and that will be the travel.
I am  not crazy about travel, but as long as I am with
mum I am happy!

So! To all of you I say...

 You just know that will be FUN!!!!

Friday, 24 December 2021

Merry Christmas from Julie

Julie: Mum and I wish all of you a very

I am sure it will be FUN!

Monday, 20 December 2021

Christmas is getting closer!

Julie: I am trying really hard to  imitate the light block.
It is a contrast between light (the block) and dark (me)

With all the presents mum has wrapped, they are
taking up space on my table!
I hope mum leaves room for me so I can
still get my brushings!

Our little tree with some presents.
We don't put up a big tree as we do not spend
Christmas here.
Oh noes! I bet that means travel for me!

Gee, in the dark, the light from the tree shines through
the little pewter fireplace.

Once again we are getting snow.
It is gently falling and the flakes are big.
There is a saying here "big snow 
 little snow"
That means that when the flakes are large, the snowfall
amount is not very large.
Mum calls this broom snow as she can sweep it
away with a broom.
Small flakes usually mean deep snow.
We will have temps above 0C this week
before it cools off by Christmas Eve.
There may be snowflurries on Christmas Day.
Mum and I will already be where we need to be
for Christmas.
Dang, I think that means road trip!

Friday, 17 December 2021

Hanging with Mum!

Julie: Gee, mum's desk is a bit messy.
At least there is room for me to sit.

Sometimes I need to sit here to remind her that
she needs to pay more attention to ME!

 Good thing that is not hard.
Mum likes giving me attention...and scritches,
and kisses and hugs and... OK, you get the idea
...she loves me !
Well, I am a lovable girl and I love mum too!
I love to  be near her all the time. OK, most of the time.
We both enjoy being together because it is FUN!!
We both like FUN too!

I purr you all have a FUN weekend!

Monday, 13 December 2021

Wild Weather Weekend!

Julie: Guess what? Saturday night we had a big
thunder and lightning show! It rained pretty hard too.
the rain lasted so long (overnight) that it took away all the 

How about that?
Mum thought it was OK and I bet the birds that come 
to the feeders liked it too.

I don't think anything would keep Earl the Squirrel away 
from the seeds though. Critters still
have to eat...right?

When we had the big snow, I showed you a 
picture of a "snow bird"  on the railing of the back deck.
It was on Friday's post.

Our pawsome friend and fabulous artist
Ann(Zoolatry )  saw it and made this
fabulous arty picture!!!
It's really cool right?!!
Mum and I really like it too!
Thank you Ann !!!!!

 This week will be sun, some rain near the end of the week
 and Saturday...flurries.
It's that time of year when the weather is cooling off
and  winter is coming.
 For now, we will enjoy as many snow free days as 
we can get!!!

Friday, 10 December 2021

Lots of Snow!!!

Julie: Guess what? We had a snowstorm Thursday night!
Mum was glad to be home before it got bad.
So was I.

This is what it looked like in the morning!
Lots of snow! 
Mum was glad it was light and not heavy and wet.
She said it was not too bad for shoveling.

The snow did not stop the Earl the Squirrel!
He just burrows through the snow.
He really wants the seeds mum puts out.
So do the chickadees.

In the afternoon, the sun came out.
Mum and I saw a really strange bird!!!

OK, it was the way the snow covered the end cap on the deck
but the cap is not that high!!!
I think it really looks like a snowbird!
 Today is sunny, but we will have rain for the weekend.
Yup, strange weather  in Nova Scotia!
Strange weather, but this weekend mum and I will
be sure to have FUN !!!!


Monday, 6 December 2021

Snowfall !

Julie: Good morning friends!
As you can see, we had some snow on the weekend.
This is what we saw Sunday morning.

It was sunny but pretty cold!

In the afternoon I went outside to check it out.

Gee!! his stuff is pretty cold!
Not only that, it covered the grass!!

Time to head indoors where there is warm air blowing
from the furnace!

Do you know what the weather is today?
Mum says it will be rain and flurries all week
Such is life on the East coast!


Friday, 3 December 2021

Evening Routine

Julie: I'm sitting here waiting for mum to finish up
with her evening routine and give me some scritches.
I like getting this attention before I go to sleep.
Love and cuddles really makes me sleep better.
I think it works that way for mum too !
I love to snuggle up to mum at night and I know she likes it too.

So mum, are you done yet!!!?

Yes Julie, I am done.
Time for our evening routine!

Woo Hoo!! I just know this will be FUN!!!!

 Have a pawsome and FUN weekend !!

Monday, 29 November 2021

Vacation was Good, But Home is Best!

Julie: Hi gang! I'm back!
I had a good vacation with mum.
We went to one of mum's sister's place and we had
our own room. It was cool.
There are 2 other cats living at mum's sister's place,
so I got to have my own room.

It was quite fun, and it was nice to have mum close by.
We got to hang out together too.

 However I must say, that I do like being home best.
Well, after all that excitement, I think I need a good
I'll catch up with you  later!

Friday, 19 November 2021

Mum is on Vacation for a Week!!

Julie: So! Mum said she is on vacation next week.
I thought that sounded wonderful!!

Then she said we were going  back to her sister's
place where we sent in the Summer!

It is a nice enough place, but there are 
2 other cats living there.
We never meet, mum and I will have our own suite.
Still, it is not home!!
However I will be with mum and she will 
make sure I am comfy and have lots of attention.
I may not be commenting as much...darn!!

 See you in a week!!!

Monday, 15 November 2021

Cool Weekend !

Julie: Sunday was overcast and quite cool.

I sat out on the  front ramp for a bit.
Mum still has an old S-scratch pad there.
She was supposed to throw it out.
Maybe she plays with it!!

Maybe not. It looks pretty old, dirty and covered with
leaves. Guess she is lazy about taking it to the dumpster.
I did not go too far as it was breezy in addition to being
cool. I went back indoors and mum gave me some belly rubs.
Then she sat in a comfy chair to read her book, and I
sat on her warm lap. It was a pawsome way
to spend a cool Sunday afternoon.
Mum says it will be cool and rainy most of the week.

 How was your weekend?

Friday, 12 November 2021

Friday Thoughts

Julie: Yesterday , mum was home as it was
Remembrance Day. She was able to watch the 
local ceremony on the internet and she said
it was very nice and well attended.

Since mum was home, I got to go outside.
I liked that , but did not like that is was rather cool!

I came back inside and decided to look out the window
from the comfort of my cat cup tower.
It is quite comfy and mum cam walk by and
give me scritches. I like that!!
I also like that it is the weekend and that means
more mumtime !
The forecast is warmer, but rainy. Darn!
Oh well, I guess that means more scritches and
belly rubs!!

 You just know that will be FUN!!!

Thursday, 11 November 2021

Remembrance Day 2021

Remembrance Day 2021

Let us remember those who died for us
and those that survived.
Let us continue to work towards a world
that is at peace and free of war and oppression.

Let us remember those who fought for our freedom
and especially those who died fighting for our 
freedom in  the World wars.
Never again!
Let us all live in PEACE!
Purrs,  Julie


Monday, 8 November 2021

Julie's Weekend

Julie: So mum came home Friday night and said
we are going away for the weekend.
She said we were going to her sister's house.
There is a cat there called Mindy.
She and her siblings used to blog

 Mindy is 20 years old now and is the only cat there.
I did not visit her as mum kept me in the
bedroom we were using. Mindy does not
blog anymore.

While I like to be with mum, I like to be in my home
best! It was a good weekend, but I am happy to be back 
in my own home.

Friday, 5 November 2021

Trying to nave a nap!

Mum, it was bad enough that you dragged me off
to the Vet but now you are trying to disturb my nap!

Sorry Julie, but they needed a better sample of your blood.
The previous sample was not good.
Also I want to take some daily pics.

There! All done!

Gee! Now I can't sleep!!
How about some brushies?

Sure Julie! I'll get the brush!


 Here's hoping you all have a FUN weekend!!!!

Thursday, 4 November 2021

Dona Nobis Pacem

Julie; Mum forgot to post this earlier!
Yup, she is getting old and forgetful!
Should I be worried? MOL!!!!

 Anyway, here is my peace globe.


Monday, 1 November 2021

Halloween Photo Shoot

Julie: These pictures were taken on Halloween evening.
It was very rainy. Not a fit night for man or beast.
Certainly not this cat!!!

                                         In return for posing, mum promised to give
me a good brushing .It felt really good too!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I am SO relaxed and happy!!!!
I am also happy that I am warm and dry!
I am a lucky cat to have such a good home.
I wish all cats(and critters) did too.


Friday, 29 October 2021

Monday, 25 October 2021

Views From My Window

Julie: When I look out this window I can see the 
effects of Fall. The leaves are changing colour
and they look pretty.

The leaves in these trees have turned yellow.
In front is some of the tall grasses mum likes.
They are taller than her!
I do lot eat that king of grass!

Across from the driveway we see more pretty leaves.

The leaves on this Burning Bush are quite red.
They are quite vibrant and pretty.

Though Fall means the days are getting cooler and shorter,
it is a pretty time of year.
That means all the tasty grass will gone be gone too...darn!