
Monday 31 January 2022

Thoughts on a Winter Storm

Julie: I am not a fan of Winter.
It is cold and often snowy.
I also do not get outside as it is cold!

We had a storm on Saturday.
I have to admit I was glad to be indoors.
I think the snow was taller than me!

Earl the Squirrel had to dig for his seeds!

They did get some seeds in this feeder.
It was also hard for the little birds.

A bigger view of our snowy yard.

These ducks braved the storm for some seeds.

Mum says there are about 2 months of Winter left.
That sounds like a lot to me!
However I cannot complain too much as I am
warm and cozy indoors.
I also do not have to dig in the snow for my food.
I think I will change my mind and say that I 
am happy to be an indoor cat!!


  1. We got two feet of snow and I won't get off the porch. We haven't seen any critters around. They must have moved south

  2. All those snow scenes make me happy I'm an indoor cat - in California!

  3. That is a lot of snow. Rather you than me!

  4. Oh Julie, it does make you so glad of your good home and mom, doesn't it. It does me as well when I see such

  5. Julie, both Derry and I are mostly indoors in the winter too! We've had a "real" January this year, unlike in so many recent years, and I'm done with winter, wish it would go away. LOL.

    Enjoy being cosy inside; in your neck of the woods the snow never lasts too long! (Though there's always Sheila's Brush to look forward to. LOL.)

  6. Earl is a toughie. I am glad you are safe and warm inside. XO

  7. Julie, am currently reading a book series, that takes place in Yukon, and is written by a Canadian author.
    As much as I think Michigan is 'up north', there is a lot of Canada above us.
    A friend who lives on Vancouver Island, but in a small town, is having wonderful weather and it just doesn't seem fair!
    Kelley Armstrong: The Rockton Series
    And another series that I am working my way through, is the Inspector Ganache books by Louise Penny, that take place in Quebec, somewhere near the US border.

  8. We're glad you're an indoor kitty too sweet Julie and I'm happy the storm is behind you now. Keep warm!!!

  9. That's a lot of snow ! Stay warm, Julie ! Purrs

  10. julie we iz happee rite a long with ewe !! that ewe iz inn and we iz in....and yea....two monthz iz 60 pluz sleepz and thatz a lot ta bee waitin for springz :) stay safe ☺☺♥♥

  11. Julie, you seem to be taking to your role as a house panther quite well in these cold winter months. Wait for spring to go outside and pounce on the opportunity to meet your friends and make some new ones.
    World of Animals Bensalem

  12. Julie, we’re supposed to get a foot of snow this week. I am not happy. ~Ernie

  13. Poor little birdies. We hope they are not outsmarted by Earl! Stay warm and safe, you two!

  14. We got a bunch of snow this past weekend, too, Julie. Like you, we are sure glad we are safe and warm inside! XO

  15. We love all the fabulous wildlife around you, dear Julie. We got about 5" this past Saturday, when mom and dad found themselves shoveling about a 1/4-mile-long driveway, and then today dad took the day off in exchange for said shoveling and they went for a hike in the glorious sunshiny almost-fifty-degree day!

  16. Wow, that's a lot of snow. Earl sure had a chore finding his buried seeds.

  17. We're getting a lot the next couple days :( I would be tempted to invite Earl inside!

  18. What a lot of snow. I am glad you are safe inside. I can't think what it would be like struggling through that, even though I am of Russian heritage. It must be generations since my people lived in snow, I think.
