
Monday, 4 September 2023

Enjoying sunshine and life!

Julie: It was nice and sunny so I got to spend some time 

I enjoyed my time outside for a while.

When it got dark, mum and I worked
on the blog. I dictated from a cozy spot.

Mum has this neat cross stitch picture.
She thinks it would be cool to have 5 black cats.
I say that I am all she needs!


Mum agrees, but still thinks it would be cool.
Dream on Mum!
I am all you need!!!


  1. Looks like you had a great time outside, Julie. We like that cross-stitch, too. But we know you have enough love for Mum!

  2. Glad you had a good time in the sun, Julie. That is a lovely cross stitch picture.

  3. Julie, I'm glad you had lots of outdoor time in the sunshine. Happy Labour Day; have a great week!

  4. Julie, yes, you are all she needs.
    But she can dream, can't she?
    We have three housepanthers here, and we'd love to have more.

  5. Five black cats would be wonderful…

  6. You are the special one fur sure sweetest Julie!

  7. Glad you had a nice weekend. That is a nice piece, bit you are all she needs. I had 4 black cats once, but all of them are angels now. I do have Trouble now though. XO

  8. How fun that you got to spend some time outside, Julie. It’s way too hot here to be outside, so I’m staying inside where it’s cool. ~Ernie

  9. julie…hay ewe gorgeouz…pleez two N joy sum out o doorz fresh air
    for uz with thanx….itz like 592 in de shade heer ‼️‼️😼🥵

  10. I tell Mudpie I would love to have 5 torties, but her response is the same as yours!

  11. Julie, I LOVE that! I should stop being lazy and try my own!
