
Friday, 1 September 2023

Julie enjoying the sunshine!

Julie: Woo Hoo!!
My stitches are out!
Now I can relax knowing I do not have to go 
to the Vet for a good while!

 That means I get to go outside and enjoy
the sun. Maybe some tasty grass too. Mum still
needs to cut it though!!!

I am very happy and I do enjoy the sun on my
panther furs!

I also get to snoopervise Mum as she does my blog.
Sometimes you need to watch your human. MOL!

OK! Time to go back outside to the sunshine!


  1. We're glad to hear that your stitches are out and the weather conducive to enjoying sunpuddles!

    The Chans

  2. We think maybe you are missing lots of tummy furs. Tell those nasty
    lumps to stay away! More impawtant things to do then visit the V-E-T.
    We think your crochet bedspread is lovely.

  3. That's fantastic, Julie! I hope you have a great long weekend, no rainfall warnings in sight! (Your tummy furs will grow back enough in time for winter!)

  4. Good for you, Julie...stitches gone!
    Hope you enjoy munching some grass.

  5. Glad you don't have to go to the vet for a long time. Have a wonderful weekend with your mum. XO

  6. Hooray for those stitches being gone sweet Julie and I hope you enjoy your outside time this weekend!

  7. You look great Julie ! Glad everything went well at the vets !

  8. Happy Julie ... healthy, all mended Julie ... Yay!

  9. Glad those stitches are out and you can enjoy the sun.

  10. Hooray! We're so glad your stitches are out and you're doing good, Julie. Enjoy that outside and porch time. Hugs to you and Mum!

  11. Julie I am so happy about you having your stitches out and that you are feeling so much better! XXX
