
Friday, 31 January 2020

Let's Get This Weekend Started!

Georgia: We are happy that it's Friday!
This past week or so we have read about many of
our friends having a few computer issues.
Guess what? We did too!
Mr Windows decided it was time for a big update.
Mum said OK and went to bed.
The next morning it was 91% done.
When she came home from work it was STILL
91% done so she turned off the computer.
The next day, she left it off and went to work.
When she came home she turned on the computer
and saw the message "Windows is undoing previous 
modifications" Now it is working fine .Whew!
Throughout all this , these are our  reactions.


But,mum, you said the computer was not working so that
 is why I am in your seat. You can find another seat.

We are happy to be visiting you all again friends!
That should ensure that our weekend will be FUN!!!
Hope your weekend is too!

Monday, 27 January 2020

Monday Musings with Julie

Julie: Sunday we  had a lot of wind and rain!
Wind makes mum a bit nervous as we have some big trees 
near our house.Wind is also noisy sometimes.
Sitting up here, I have a nice view of the back deck.

When I want a closer view of the deck, I sit on the box.
It is nice as it is next to the floor vent so I am warm.
You can see Georgia next to the water bowl.
She is reminding mum to refill the water.

In spite of the wind and rain, Earl was outside
eating the seeds mum puts out.

You cannot see the rain in this picture, or the wind,
but you can see where snow has been washed away.
That will make it easy for mum to get around 
and tend the birdfeeders.
We will be looking forward to seeing sun for the rest 
of the week and seasonal temperatures.
For us, we always have comfy temperatures indoors!

Friday, 24 January 2020

Let's Get This Weekend Started!!

Georgia: Happy Friday friends!
Last night I got some treats.
Yes I am a bit spoiled.

As you can tell, they were lip smackin' good!

Julie got some tooShe is enjoying her treats on the
new rug mum got for Christmas.
She likes it a lot especially as there is a black cat on it.
Not a lot of things feature black cats.

Julie also told mum to stop surfing the net and
get our blog post ready.
Good thing mum listened to Julie.

We hope your human listens to you and does what you want.
Most times they do, but sometimes they think our demands 
are too much. Seriously?!

Anyway, we purr you all have a FUN weekend!!!

We will be looking forward to much milder temperatures.
Well, mum will. It was a cold week.
We were nice and cozy indoors.

Monday, 20 January 2020

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Well once again you find me in my favourite 
place. I love the computer room as it is cozy and mum
spends a lot of time in here.
Sometimes, she lets me have my meal in here.

Now I can relax and wash my face.

Julie is in her favourite place...the kitchen.

 She too has just finished her supper.
Lip smackin' good!

 She is good about washing her face.

Making sure there are no bits of dinner on her face .
Her eating spot is on the windowsill and yes she is
on the counter.Needless to say mum spends a lot
of time washing them.Mum is pretty sure Julie is 
on the counters when she is not home. MOL!

Sunday was pretty messy as far as the weather was concerned.
We had snow!  Heavy wet snow!
Saturday was sunny and cold.
You can see Earl keeping his front paws/claws 
close to his body for warmth.
Julie spent a lot of time watching him too! MOL!!
We are looking forward to the end of the week
and much warmer temps!!

Friday, 17 January 2020

Frigid Friday!

Georgia: WE are happy that Friday is here, but
mum will be happiest when Friday is over.
Why? Because today to going to be COLD!!!!
Mum says it is windy and that brings a 
wind chill factor. What?
Mum says it ts a "feels like" temperature.
When the wind blows hard, it is colder and the temperature
feels colder than the actual air temperature.

For example, the weather predicts that at 7PM Friday night the
 temperature will be -14C(6.8F) with a wind chill factor
(feels like ) of -26C(-16.6F)

We think that is mighty cold(though not nearly as cold
as it is in Alberta,Canada! The temperature at 7PM will
be -26C (-34F) ! That is COLD!

By Sunday we are supposed to get rain!
The temperature will be 5C (15F).
No wonder we are happy to be indoor cats!

Julie is ready for the indoor temperatures and will be very
comfy and warm in her cozy bed.

What kind of weather will you be having today and this weekend?
Whatever your temperature, we purr you will all have
 a FUN weekend

Monday, 13 January 2020

Snow,Rain and Indoor Cats!

After all the snow on Wednesday, this is what is left.
We had  lots of rain since Friday.
Sunday was rain and freezing rain.
Today there is some sun, but it is cold again.

The Sunday rain did not deter these ducks from coming
up for some seeds.

A rainy day is purrfect for taking it easy.

I am quite good at taking it easy too.

Julie: Do you want to know what I'm going to do?

If you guessed watching for those silly squirrels
you would be right!

Not even rain will keep them indoors!
That's why they are silly.
Why get wet if you don't have to,right?

Friday, 10 January 2020

Snowy Finally Friday !

Georgia: On Wednesday, mum stayed home with us.
That is because we had our first BIG snowstorm!
Mum says we got about 30cm(12 in) of snow!
The good thing,she said, was that it was light
fluffy snow and easy to move.
Thursday was pretty cold.
Friday is starting out cold, but will warm up
during the day. 
So much in face that we are expecting rain on Saturday!
Mum says that will probably make a mess especially
when the temperature falls again over the weekend.
Did I mention how happy we are to be indoor cats?!

These mourning were glad mum moved the snow and 
put out seeds.They like cracked corn.

Our yard was a Winter Wonderland!

Thank goodness the snow was light and fluffy.

We are still very happy to be indoor cats.
As pretty and clean as that snow looks, mum says it  
would be pretty cold on our paws.
I like my paws warm and dry.

Julie: Once mum came back indoors,
 I thought it would be fun to play hide and seek.
Now you see me...

now you don't!!!  MOL!!!

What ever your weather this weekend, we purr you all 
will be warm and dry!!
Oh yeah... don't forget to have FUN!!!

Sunday, 5 January 2020

What a Cat Does When it Snows!

On Saturday, it was pretty nice.
A bunch of birds dropped by to enjoy some seeds.

Sunday, they had to dig for the seeds!

What's a cat to do when it snows?

Here are a couple of videos of the falling snow.
Sorry it's not You-Tube

Friday, 3 January 2020

Guess What? It's Friday!

Georgia: Well another year has come and gone and
mum still manages to take blurry pictures of us.
Guess there is no hope  of that changing.
Goodness, that would require her to be organized and
have things planned in advance.
I do not expect that to happen ! MOL!!

She does have some good points though.
See my water bowl?  She just filled it up so it is
nice and fresh! I like my water.
She also gave me a few treats. I like them too,
but I drank my water first.

Julie: I know mum can take blurry pics and I don't mind.
I like to make her work hard for pics of me.
I am not a big fan of posing as you can tell.

Sometimes I look at her and that darn camera.
If she gets her picture then she will leave me 

WE are happy it's the weekend.
With all the holidays, mum has been home a lot!
Now the weekend is here so that means 2 more
mum days! WooHoo!!
We will be helping mum celebrate her birthday too.
What are your plans for the weekend?
Hope you have FUN!

Wednesday, 1 January 2020

Happy New Year from Georgia and Julie !!!

May 2020 be filled with JOY, Happiness and Treats!