
Wednesday, 31 October 2018

Happy Halloween !!

This Halloween, we are sharing some slightly adjusted
pictures from a Halloween past.




We purr you all have a FUN ,SAFE and

Monday, 29 October 2018

Halloween is Coming!!!!

Halloween is Coming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Georgia, JJ and Julie!

Friday, 26 October 2018

Finally Friday!

This weekend, we plan on doing some of this...

and this...

and this...

and this.

Yup! We are planning a lazy weekend.
Mum agrees. She says it is good to just
sit and relax for a while. We agree!
WE know Julie will be on mum's lap
as soon as she sits with a book.
She is the big lap cat around here.
What are your plans for the weekend?
We purr they involve FUN!!!!!

Monday, 22 October 2018

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: Hi friends. I do like a nice lay in 
when the morning comes. It tends to be busy around here.

I like to take my time getting up.
Saturday was pretty rainy, but Sunday was
lovely and sunny!

JJ likes to be up and after breakfast, he likes to be on the 
porch.It was sunny on Sunday

This is the view we had on Sunday morning.
It was still a bit misty, but the sun burned it
all away.At the bottom of the hill, you can see
our burning bushes.

Here are some closer pictures.

Off to the side of the house are these tall decorative grasses.
Mum likes grasses and she got these from her sister.

Julie enjoyed her weekend too.

To see more Julie, pop over to

Click the RED link.

Friday, 19 October 2018

Let's Get This Weekend Started!

Georgia: Well friends, it's Friday again and we are all
happy,including mum.
Thursday we had some cold weather. 
When mum was at work there was a weather 
system that moved over the area.
Friends, we had SNOW!!!!
It was blowing sideways for a bit then stopped.
No snow stayed on the ground, but the cold air and wind 
did stay.
Today,however, is a bit warmer and the sun is shining. 
Today we are sharing pictures from this date in 2017.
I was sitting on this chair.

Julie was lounging on this bed.

JJ was keeping her company.

October 19,2017 was warmer.
We had this daylily in bloom.
This year, the daylilies stopped blooming by the 
end of September!

Now, mum says our weekend will be rainy and cloudy.
At least it won't be so cold!

Whatever the weather, we will be having FUN!!
WE purr you will have FUN too.
What is your weather like?

Monday, 15 October 2018

Monday Musings with Georgia

Georgia: The weekend is over and mum is back to work.
That means we get to amuse ourselves.
Naturally a nap is a good place to start!

JJ thinks it is a good time to go wandering around
for a bit.

I think I will stay here for a bit before I get up.

This is the face mum sees when suppertime is near.

Want to see more Julie?

Pop over to see her post at

Click the red link

Friday, 12 October 2018

Finally Friday !

Georgia: After a very wet week, we are looking
forward to some sunshine!
We are looking forward to more mum time too
as mum has been working a bit later this week.
Mum is also looking forward to more cat time!
Can you blame her?
We are very cute ! MOL!

JJ is hoping for more sun to bask in .
This is his "I love sunshine on my body " face.

Julie is looking forward to sun and porch time.
That is normal.
She really is  excited about more mum time.
She follows mum everywhere. MOL!

What are you looking forward to this weekend?
We purr it involves FUN and we wish 
you have lots and lots !
Happy Weekend !

Monday, 8 October 2018

Happy Thanksgiving Canada!

One of the nice thing about holidays is that you 
can sleep in.
Cats are lucky  as we can sleep anytime.
We are doing that as mum is going off to 
spend Thanksgiving with family.
We hope she brings back some goodies!

A wish for  today...

Friday, 5 October 2018

Thanksgiving Weekend in Canada!

Georgia: Often, I mention that Julie and I do not
always get along very well. That is true!
She can be a little bit  of a bully, but not one
that hurts me. She is just  pushy when it comes
 to mum's attention. She would love to be top cat.
However, here is proof that we all can get along.
We  are all enjoying the sun on the porch couch.

We do have good times,often when it is sleepy time.

We are all looking at mum with much anticipation.
That is because this weekend is our 
Thanksgiving weekend in Canada!
That means an extra mum day!!
Maybe there will be some tasty goodies for us too!
We are also expecting more sunshine and nice temperatures.
That means more porch time!!

For all of our Canadian friends, we wish you


For all of our friends we hope you have a 
FUN weekend!

Monday, 1 October 2018

We all Love the Sunny Porch !

JJ: I love to be on the porch when the sun is shining.

Sunshine feels so good on these old bones.

I really enjoy the heat too.

I also enjoy soft places to snooze.
The couch fits that bill quite nicely.

Georgia: JJ is quite right, Sunshine is a wonderful thing.
After all the rain we had this past week.
it is nice to feel those warm rays again.
What better place than on the sunny porch.

Yes, I know that JJ is behind me. 

That is OK because JJ and I are good pals and often
spend time together snoozing.
He is a really nice brother.

Always friendly and calm.

 Not like another sibling of mine!
We do have some good moments, but her ladyship thinks
she is the top cat. We know better.
Still, she does have ger good moments.
 Julie is doing her own post today.

To see Julie's post,pop over to

Click the RED link.