I was tagged by my new friend
TT for the
Name Meme.So here goes.
Actually the story is rather short.When Mom adopted me from the Vet's office and took me home ,she needed to find a name. She had a young nephew everyone called Ricky. The simple sound of that name struck a chord.Mickey was the name she chose. I like it.It suits a House Panther,Mancat.
Now as a lot of cats have done this, I tag any cat that has not done this yet.Just let me know so I can come read it.
I was also tagged by the wonderful
Yao-Lin for the
"Seven Things Meme"The guidelines for this tag:1. Link to your tagger and post these rules
2. Write some facts about yourself: some random, some weird, some just plain fun.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post and list their names (linking to them)
4. Let those 7 people know they’ve been tagged by leaving a comment at their blogs.
The challenge is to keep it interesting without making the reader think “Um, too much information…”
Seven things about me…
1. I simply loved to be brushed. When I hear Mom brushing her hair,I come running and plead for my turn.I always get it too.
2. I have trained Mom to get me grass and feed it to me one blade at a time.
3. Mom can't have flowers.Since there is greenery in the bouquets, I want to eat it, and the flowers.( Sorry Mom)
4. I will stare at Mom when she eats ice cream to make sure she does not forget to let me lick the bowl.She eats flavours I like.
5. I stand in front of Mom's monitor if she ignores me.( I mean ,really Mom)
6. I like to climb. The TV is on a shelf and I climb up there to sleep since it is warm.
7. At night,Mom leaves the back deck light on.That way,I can watch the bats flying around to eat the bugs. Boy do they ever move fast too!!
1. I am a tortie and Tillie is my littermate. We both have round faces with big eyes.
2. I am polydactyl. I have extra toes front and back.
3. I like to pick on Tillie, she hates it, and Mickey (only a bit though).
4. I also loved to be brushed and get scritches.It's like a body massage.
5. Mom likes my reow,reow instead of a regular meow. It's just what I do.
6. I like to crawl under any type of covering, like sheets,blankets,mats.It feels safe under there.
7. I have black whiskers on the right side and white whiskers on the left side of my face.
1. I'm the cute one.My fur is silky soft. Softer than Mickey and Georgia.
2. Mom is my 2nd Mom. My (and Georgia) first Mom was an older lady with cancer and she went to the Bridge.We are named after friends of hers.
3. I have to be in the kitchen! I have to help Mom get things done.I like to help.
4. I love to sleep in the sun in a box.( I think you know this,heehee.) Any box will do.
5. I have black fur with a tiny bit of white at my throat and a bit on my belly.
6. I like to sharpen my claws on the doorframe.Mom said she will get me another place "to do that"! Well,the frames are old and need to be replaced!
7. Mom says I still have my baby meows( I'm 4 years old). I say it's a girly meow(Mom,I don't squeak! )
Again, I will ask any cat that would like to do this to please do. Just let me know by leaving a comment in my blog. My brain is too fuzzy and I don't know who is left to tag( oh crud!)
Ciao for now!!