


We were tagged by a cat with Tortitude
for this fun meme...
PearlHere are the rules:
1. Be honest.
2. Have fun!
1. How many calenders are in your home?Like us ,there are 3.
It's silly because Mom still does not know what day it is!
2. What is your fave season?Mickey- I like Fall,because leaves fall on the dech and the wind blows them around.
Tillie- I like Summer because there are lots of bugs.Moths are tasty. I ate one that got in the house!
Georgia- I like Spring,Summer and Fall because it is sunny and warm on the porch. Winter is too cold.
3. What is your lucky number?We don't have favourite numbers,because we can't count.
How many treats are in a Temptations bag?
That's our favourite number!!! Can we have some now?
4. What is your fave month?Mickey- I like them all bacause they all have sunshine!!
Mind,October does have
Tillie- Yeah,what Mickey said.
Georgia- I like the warm ones :)
5. Which do you like best, Planting seeds, Climbing trees, Jumping into a pile of leafs, or, building igloos?Mickey- I want to chase leaves!! I need to get outside!!
Tillie - I would like to climb a tree!! I need to get outside!!!
Georgia- I think the leaves would be fun too.
I could hide in them. I need to get outside!!!
6. Now tag some people!WE tag any cat that wants to play!!!!!!