Are you going to read Narnia now Mom?

I like to hang out here . It's a quiet ,cozy room.
The girls can have the porch!
The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is : BRIGHT
The quarter next to this spider is BRIGHT
The sun on these flowers is BRIGHT.
Georgia : This sun is BRIGHT! I should move.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmm, it's still BRIGHT !!
It feels good though!!!!!
Warning!!!!!!! Terrifying content below.
THE spider is back!!!!!
Trixie - Nice photo shoot, now let me out! heehee
Miss Boo -I think I'll hide in here.
Come find me Capt'n Jack!!,heehee
Boni Maroni - Mmmmmm,I like warm spots!!!
PC's & radiators are the best!!!
Dragonheart -See, I can reach my nose with my tongue.
My action shot!
Gizmo - Oh boy,FOOD!!!!!!!!
And drink!!!
Bonus Pic : It's fun to be a bun!!!
The rules:
Link to the one who tagged you.
List the rules on your blog.
Tell about 6 unspectacular quirks of yours.
Tag some blogger friends with links.
Leave a comment on their blog to let them know they've been tagged.
1. I like to stand on the phone when Mom is on it.
Maybe that's why she uses the cordless one.
2. I like to check out Mom's food,even though I do not eat it. I like my food.
3. I like to greet Mom with my tail straight up.
4. I like ti sleep on Mom's dirty clothes. Heehee
5. I like to hang out with Mom and watch what she does.
6. I like anybean that brings me grass!!!!
I tag Sweet Praline and Jawsy,Garfield and Felix.
We also have a critter on the back deck!
They only live for 7 days.