Today Mom is hijacking my blog!!!!!!
OK,I let her do a post of her own.
Yesterday,she picked me some grass.
OK Mom, over to you!

Thanks Mickey.
When I go to work in the mornings,
I often take the ferry across Halifax harbour.
There are many interesting things to see.
Recently we have had an interesting visitor,
Seajacks KrackenThis liftboat arrived near the end of April,
and stayed a few weeks to have some work done.

On foggy days, the uppermost parts disappear into the mist.

This rig will be providing accommodation
for people working on oil rigs

You can see the windows of the bridge.

This rig can sail by itself.

The work is done and the boat is lowered to the water.
It is getting ready to depart soon.

On May 20,another rig came into port.
It is the Rowan Gorilla III.
It will be heading to the
Deep Panuke oil fields
located near Sable Island.

They seem to have brought warm weather with them.

Tugboats are around the Seajacks Kracken.
That means it is ready to leave port.

It departed May 22 and is on it's way
to the oil fields off Sable Island.
Bon Voyage!