Wednesday, 5 March 2025

Finally I get to post!!!

Winnie: Hello friends and once again Mum has been
doing "her things" on the laptop! Sheesh!
I have to remind her that  she has to help me blog as her retired brain
tends to forget things MOL!!!!!!!!!!
Anyway, she did remember and here  I am.
Now all I have to do is keep her at it ! MOL!!!!

                                   She says she will help me as we both miss seeing all of you...
                                    I will reserve judgement until I see actual results.
                                    You know what humans are like ! MOL!
                                    The important thiing is that I am happy and enjoying life here.
                                    That makes Mum and I very happy!
                                     Carch you later!!




Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Happy New Years Eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Winnie: Hey friends, I thought I would drop in to say
HAPPY NEW YEAR eve!!!!!!!

                                               I am looking forward to another year of FUN !
                                               This past yer has been great and I am loving life!
                                                I will be working on Mum to get her to post more 
                                                as I enjoy seeing all of you friends!
                                                For today, I jist want to say

                                                    HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!


Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Merry Christmas from Winnie

Winnie:  Mum and I  wish you all a joyous and 

 Purrs for tasty noms too!!! MOL!!!

Wednesday, 18 December 2024

Hello from Winnie

Winnie: Hi friends!
I finally got Mum to help me post.
Good thing too as she needed my help to get the pics done.
These senior moments  she has...MOL!!!
Anyway, as you can see, I am having lots of
fun here and life is great!!

This is a serious pic that I thought I would share.
I can look dignified and pretty...when I want.
Mostly, I just like havibg FUN!!!

Monday, 9 December 2024

Two Black Cats

Winnie: Here is a picture of Snoopy.
As you can see, she has a nutcracker behind her.
Mum really likes nutcrackers.
Snoopy likes to keep an eye on what people
or cats are doing.That way, she does not miss out on anything.
MOL!  Smart girl!

Me? I just like finding comfy places to sit.
This couch is great as I can see pretty much everything
and everyone from here.
That's important if someone goes into the kitchen. MOL!


Tuesday, 19 November 2024

Working on getting mum back to blogging

Winnie: Well hello friends!
It has been too long since I last posted
so I reminded mum that I have friends I want to see!
As you can see, I have two friends behind me. MOL!
However, I do want to see all of furry friends and 
your people.
Life has been great here and Mum and I are liking it very much.
I really like having mum around all the time.
Mum says she can do that as she is retired.
In my last home the people were away all day and then
they moved and I went to a shelter where mum adopted me.
I am a lucky cat and  very happy.

Now all I have to do is remind mum to help me blog more!


Wednesday, 23 October 2024

Winnie says Hi!

Winnie: Remember me ?
Mum has been lazy about helping me blog.
She says she is doing other things.
I told her that this was important to me 
and that if she did not help me on a regular basis,
her tiny brain would forget how to do things.
That worked!
Now you can see how much I am enjoying life.
Stretched out on top of the sofa and holding on, MOL!


Now all I have to do is to continue to to monitor mum...MOL!
She needs a lot of snoopervision!

Saturday, 5 October 2024

Remember me...Winnie?

Winnie: Hey friends...remember me?

 I finally got mum to help me do this post.
I remended her that if she does not keep up this blog
her little brain will forget how to do it again!
Guess what ? It worked! MOL!!
I am really liking this place. There is a pawsome deck and I can
sit and look out over the yard. It is a big yard too!
I  will try  to get mum into the blogging habit again
as she even agrees that she needs to practice ...MOL!!

OK! See you soon!!!!

Friday, 19 July 2024

Happy Friday from Winnie

Winnie: Gee! I have to remind mum to post!
She gets into other things and forgets.
Must be a thing about humans...MOL!
The good news is that she does not forget to feed me!

                                                       I do like the views from this window.
                                                        There is a cat tree here  and I like it.
                                                 There is also a deck in the backyard that i get to enjoy! 
                                                                     I must say, life is good!

                                              Now all I need to do is get mum into the blogging 
                                         habit again. I think it is good for her little grey cells ! MOL!!!!
                                                                               See you soon!

Tuesday, 16 July 2024

Just hanging out with Winnie

                                                  Winnie: Gee, I have the strangest feeling that 
I am being watched!

 Oh! Hi there! I guess I AM being watched!
How are you doing friends?
I am doing well and loving this place.
As you can see I have a nice comfy bed to lay on
and I share it with mum. Or should I say
mum gets to share it with ME! MOL!!!

Mum is getting pretty lazy about posting so I have
to remind her.
I am enjoying my life here and get along with
my two furry housemates OK. There is no hissing
or anything... we just coexist well. 
I am happy to have my own home and not
living in the shelter anymore!

Remember,,,adopt, don't shop!