So we finally made it to New York and met up with some of our pals! It is so much fun doing this road trip. Sammy & Miles had a fine breakfast ready. There was so much choice!! But even with all the choices, Moe still wanted to help Mindy eat her breakfast!!
After breakfast we had a little nap. We are cats after all. It's important to be rested. Abby is just so happy to be on this trip, especially with Sammy ,and Miles too.
Tillie & I are actually getting along. Must be the company and excitement.
Even Roxy & Lucky got to relax,though Lucky is so excited to see Luxor.
After doing some sightseeing, it was time to move on. We got to Florida and picked up Samantha & Tigger. We drove for quite some time then got a bit lost in Stuart ,Florida!! Mr.Chen & Ollie thought this road looked a bit too far off the beaten track.
Karl looked around and agreed. We were on a dead end road. Mindy asked a nice Policeman who gave us directions, and we were back on our way.
Monty called Daisy to let her know we were running a bit late,but would be there in plenty of time to have the Lizard Stew she is making just for us!!
We have so many more friends with us, I hope Daisy made a BIG pot of Lizard Stew!

What a fun road trip! I may have to take one myself sometime!
Skittles, The Huntress
Oh that does seem like such a fun road trip!
SS was telling me about your trip and I was silly enough to believe that you had done a real one until I looked. I am going to get her for this!
Lizard stew? Ewwww!
The lizard stew is ready. Come and get it!!!!
Lizard stew sounds great! I can't wait to try it. :)
This road trip is so much fun! I have to keep remembering that there are speed limits on US highways though!
Lizard stew! This is sooooo much fun!
We are quite jealous of all you guys 'n girls... you're having the best road trip ever, together... just hope no one need dramamine.
Nah, no dramamine needed. Dragonheart is a very safe driver, he just forgetss about the speed limits. Monty was too busy singing (howling) to notice he took a wrong turn. Thank goodness for Karl and Mind. I think we'll let Moe drive now. Samantha and Tigger are looking into a driving bus, so we should have plenty of room for everyone real soon.
Did you catch a look at all that lizard stew that Daisy has made up?
Wow it smells deelicious...we are having such fun on this road trip...and I'm so glad you got that picture of the Sammy and Miles sitting with me..that is really great!
ooo, we is glad you gotted a pikshur of us wif Abby!! This is such a fun trip!
Sounds like you are having one fabulous road trip! I can't wait to hear what happens next. You are so lucky to be visiting Daisy and tasting her lizard stew!
I still don't think we took a wrong turn, it's jsut enjoying the local scenery.
I know Millie LOVED my singing, too.
I am glads you kittys are having a greats trip. I am too scareds to go outside or I's woulds have come too. Eat lots of lizard stew for me's and let's me knows what it tastes like.
Wow, we are so excited for all of you! What a fun time!
What an adventure you all are having and to top it off with lizard stew. Yumm-o!
-Jasper McKitten-Cat
This is so exciting, to read all about this road trip!
Those are great pictures!! We are so excited that you Road Trippers are stoppping by to see us today! We have fun stuff planned and have been waiting and watching for you since last night! We cannot wait for you to get here!!
This road trip gets better each day. Great pictures. Continue to be safe and remember to buckle up!
Midnite & Stray Kitty
You're making very good time! Must not be too much traffic, huh?
This is such a fun Road Trip and visiting with all of you other cats! And, of course, Lucky & Roxy! Did you taste the Lizard Stew at Daisy's??? I did and Willow and I both found it to be terrific!
Purrrrs, China Cat
That is quite the road trip you guys are on. I hope you guys don't get to lost getting to Daisy's house - I hear Lizard Stew has to be eaten right away!
Oh man, I'm missin' the lizard stew. I can't do the road trip thing--travelin' makes me yak. Bummer.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
It was a good idea fur Monty to bring a cell phone! Did anyone else bring one?
Company's good, food's's all good!
Dearest Moonshine! I saw you last night sitting near me:) Your fur glistening in the dim light. Your strength and love for me have been such a comfort during these past few hard days. Today is such a good day for us...I ate breakfast and just had a little lunch also...these are very good moments.
I just listened to our song again. I shall do so very comforts me in so many ways as it comes from you this day and takes me back to yesterday.
I will see you tonight and tomorrow I will dediCATe my post just for you my beloved Mickey.
love your Peach
Oh what a cool, fun trip! We saw dat Daisy has indeed made a big pot of lizard stew. You'll be well fed there.
I am so happy seeing you all together, I am so so happy~!!!!
That's a great big party~!
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