Drizzly days allow us to enjoy our favourite pastime...
Tillie like to sleep here when she is not in her box.
Tillie like to sleep here when she is not in her box.

I think she is having sweet dreams.

Georgia is trying to grab a snooze.

Mom is not making it easy though.

Mmmmmmmmmmmm, I like snoozing too!!!

I know you're there Mom. Why don't you go and snooze too!!!!

You all look spectacularly happy with your snoozing places. Have a good day!
Snoozing is great! It's even better when you get to do it with the momma and dadda or sister :)
Snoozing on a wet day is a great idea!
Huffle Mawson
Snoozing is good! I love to snooze when I'm not in to mischief!
Oh my that is what I did yesterday only I was the wet one:) I am dry now and taking my medicine so I will be better soon. But napping is just the ticket anytime! Can we dream about each other?
We did a lot of snoozling yesterday with Mom while she watched some sappy movies. It worked out so well that we're considering a repeat performance! Happy weekend!
Yep, snoozing is good on wet days. It's good on sunny days too.
I think that today we will follow your lead!
Those are great snoozing pictures. We think we will try finding some comfy places......and snooze.
Mindy & Moe
Excellent idea. I'm one step ahead of you.
Those are such good pictures. Sleeping is my fulltime job these days! One of the perks of getting older. *giggles*
Thanks for stopping by my page. Hope you'll stop by again!
Your Friend,
Why is it that Mommy's get out the flashy thing whenever we take out naps? Okay...we look cute...but we are busy napping!!!
Oooooo, Georgia doesn't look too happy! Shouldn't your mom be taking a nap while the kitties are taking a nap?
Looking at all your cute snoozing photos has made me sleepy :)
A nap sounds kinda...zzzzzz..z.zz.zzz...
Those are some eyes Georgia is making at your mom. I am trying to keep mom in her chair by sitting in her lap. I am not sure if it is going to work for much longer.
Why don't beans listen to us better?
Oh, why don't you all get friendly together so you could all curl up with Mom and snooze like Sunday morning... afternoon... evening... :) xxx
Aww, everyone looks so peaceful.
Rainy days are perfect for snoozing.
Snoozing is my middle name, hee, hee. I love snoozing!
May your naps be filled with sweet dreams!
I am glad you all have very comfy...stady...and peace Sunday~
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