This week's collection represents kitties I know,have just met
and kitties I do not know(yet).
I meet a lot of kitties in the comment section ;)
They are all awesome.Makes sense...they're cats!!!!!!!
and kitties I do not know(yet).
I meet a lot of kitties in the comment section ;)
They are all awesome.Makes sense...they're cats!!!!!!!
Admit it!! You think I'm cute !!

Lasers on!! Bring me the Temptations now!!!!

Waiting to copy myself.

Isabella's sisfur

Hmmmmmmmmmm, this garbage bin is kinda cozy!!

I will sing for you!!!

Ready for belly rubs!!!!!!

Mom, can I eat this moth?

I want to dominate you Anita!!!! Muahahahahahaha!!!


Gee, something's out there!!!!
What the heck is that?!!!
Is it really #50 already? We love the cat faces each week and I just can't believe that so many of these cats I have hardly even met before!
Lovely as always! :) xxx
Oh,they iz all cute xx
U are rite Mickey.. Cats are awesome! These are really cute and candid shots... :D
Purrs and hugs,
Hey Toro, what IS out there?
Huffle Mawson
Very Very priceless,
each one of them~!
Great T-13 again Mickey!!!
I think youI have some newbies I should try to meet!
Purrs Goldie
Oh my Moonshine where do you find all of the wonderful kitties for us to see each week! Here in the cottage garden the cats just come out of the woodwork or fall from the sky...I am getting my two cents worth in today, that's for sure!
Thank you for sharing your sanctuary with me....
Soft hugs to you....
your sunshineXOXOX
This just makes my day. They all warm my heart and are 100% love and beauty, all of them.
Absolutely awesome post!
Soooooooooo darn cute!!
Yay! I just love Thursdays!!!
Just looking at those faces makes me smile.
I'm with Festus. Bring on the temptations now!
Thanks for showing us these wonderful faces. We meet some nice kitties through comments, too.
Mindy & MOe
Those are great photos. That's a lot of cats to get to know. You must know at least half the cats on the planet by now?
Oh some kittys we has yet to meet are included in this weeks T 13!
All beautiful expressive cats ~ love your captions and your T13 edition as always :)
Mickey do all this beautiful babys live vif u and your bean we was them all but hubby sey no more fluff in this house GRRRRRRRRRRRR
A bunch of cuties again. Angel looks very relaxed. And Perf reminds me of the time I went to put my empty coffee cup in a city bin on the street (extra early one morning) --an orange cat shot right out of that bin. Big surprise for me!
Wonderful kitties! I must get to know them!
My favorite TT!!!!
Another great one...
What a bunch of great kitties!
That was a good group of kitties to look at! Thanks, Mickey!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Great pictures of some fabulous cats!!
Cats look beautiful in all of their attitudes!
Deze cats are all furry loverlee. We espsheshully enjoy Sophie singin' & dat Toulouse in hiz bed.
We sure missez vizitin' Mickey. Tank you fur bein' dere fur us while we can't blog furry much.
Dr Tweety
Look at all those cute kitties!
Momma and I just love your Thursdays, There iz sooo many new kittehs to go visits!! And MOmma just gets great big smiles, they iz alway so wonderful :)
Oh nooo!!!
Oah my Gossss!!
It´s terrible!! Zar in your blog!!!!
I´m really angrrrry!!!!
Nuahrahrhahrahra!! I will conquer you Anita!!!
Ok, my comment went on the wrong post....uh, I meant great collection of kitties on Thursday 13!
But of course a great collection on your previous post too.
My assistant mom is trying to blog at the same time she is working from home.....she is getting confused on which keyboard to type on!
The CB is growing leaps and bounds!
So many cute kitties to get to know! Thank you for including my Isabella and Angel in your list of all these adorable kitties!
We always look forward to your TT's. Love the pics of Toro looking out the window.
Imagine my surprise! I'm here, twice! How nice!
thank you Mickey for sharing these new friends. I will visit them!
I hoep you had a very nice day. I had a very good day. Pierro behaved :-)
love and purrs always to you and your sisters!
I've never been here before. I have bookmarked you now.
Mitzi DID eat the moth!
Purrs, Sukie x
Sorry, I meant to say I have added you to my blogroll :O)
Adorable faces! We'll have to visit the ones we don't know yet.
Great pictures. How did you know what I was thinking?? Thanks for including me.
Hugs & Purrs,
Dear Mickey
Thanks for including me in these graet pictures. san sometimes lets me look outside and the elevator sometimes makes scary shhhhh shhhh sounds. But i just scoot inside and all is well but don't tell san..
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