Here is Tillie looking all serious. Don't believe it!!

She lays down and sticks her tongue out!!

Then, she gives a big stretch. See those back toes ;)

Georgia found a sunspot.

See the floof on her tummy?
Sunshine and tummy,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
Sunshine and tummy,mmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!

I'm just lazing on my pillow.

Mom is being silly with the camera angles!!

This is my fine paw! See, it has a few miles on it !!!

haha I love your MOmmas camera angles! It looks like we is there!! looking up at you!! neat!!
Georgia is such a honey, you is lucky to have such a sweetie pie as a sister!Tillie looks cute and cheeky as always, she must be lots of fun to play with :)
Your blogging made my momma jump though.. "she gives a bog stretch".. here a bog is a poopoo, we was thinking we had to skip a pikture :P hahah :)
Oh look at Tillie's tummy and her tongue! I bet I would never show off my little pink tongue and tummy at the same time... or maybe I would...
Hehehe, Tillie and her tung...cute. Georgia's eyes look purrty in dat piksher, like a lovely turkois color. Do yoo haf miles on yoor toze? Dat is not good, yoo should sit down and rest yoor feets.
Each one of you has a fav spot in the house! Tillie's on a quilt, Georgia's on her table and u're on the bed... tee hee
Our hugs and purrs,
You all look adorable as always ~ sunshine on tummy is always good for the kitty ~ love those creative camera angles :)
Those are beautiful pictures. Great camera angles.
Love the fluffy tummy and the black paw.
Thank you for your comment on my blog Sammelleidenschaft. Yes I have a lot of fun to make ATCs. Now I made a few with scary halloween kitties
You look so cute all stretched out.
Simba x
If I could put my tiny ginger paw in your big strong ebony paw, I would be a happy girl cat right now. It is hard to put up with these invader cats at my house. They are getting too much of mommies attention that I deserve.
I wish they would go away....mommy said I need to be a good stewart but my name is not Martha!!!
Love your Sunshine XOXOXOX
Mickey, I think your paw is very, very handsome!
It may have some mileage but that is a mighty fine paw!
Do you think Tillie looks a bit like me?
Huffle Mawson
Because your photos are so good and show so many floofy tums and fine paws I am having to physically restrain my human from wuffling the monitor. It's VERY hard work!
You paw pads do have some crinkles, Mickey!
thank you. my english is not so good. but i'm happy you have visited me.
Those are a lot of cute tummies and toesies! Meow!
Great pictures of you guys! We 'specially like the one of your foot, Mickey!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
Those are some pretty tummy and toesies!!
~ Anna Sue
The three of you are so cute that my mommy squees really loudly everytime she visits your bloggie.
Georgia shows a beautiful floofy tummy!!!
Luf, Us
That Tillie is one good looking cat, all three of you are and there isn't much thats cuter than cat toes.
Great pictures! I really loved the close up picture of your paw! That was so kool!!!
"Sunshine on my tummy,
Makes me happy.
Sunshine on my belleh
Makes me smile.
Sunshine on the pillow
Looks so lovely
Sunshine on my belleh
Makes me high!"
Blame it on SAM I AM of the Taylor CatSSSSS!!!
Mickey yoo has cute mancat toesies.
Tillie that is a good stretch, yoo even has yer toes all stretchiedid out.
Georgia yoo has GORGEOUS belleh furs!
~ Shadow ~
Those are great tummy and toe pictures, and of course the great camera angles. Great photos!
Mindy & Moe
What great photos. Mom likes the camera angles. We just like the photos.
That's some quality lounging!
Mickey toes!
Those are some really nice shots of the kities in your household!
You are beautiful kitties. We love the pictures.
Hugs & Purrs,
Sammy, Festus & Emma
Nice pictures of all of you :-) I like the different camera angles.
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