Nope,I'm not waking up for my close up!!
I look just fine with my eyes closed!!
I look just fine with my eyes closed!!

Not bad. Someday mom will include all of my ears!

No I do not have a 'blue eye'!
That's lens flare!!!!!! Keep practicing Mom!!
That's lens flare!!!!!! Keep practicing Mom!!

Some time ago I received this from the lovely Diamond Emerald -Eyes

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don't worry, I've been finding it difficult to comment on some blogs too. Had to try about three times to get into your lovely girlfriend's comment box earlier tonight. Blogger seems to have hissy fits every so often. Weird!
Love the floofy cats below. You have an eye for picking great photos:) xxx
Very Very beautiful, this is also my opinion :)
It's Friday again. Everytime I walk to your blog and I feel quiet and lovely peace feeling.
Congratulations on your awards~!!!
Eyes open or close, you are still one handsome kitty! Thanks for joining us on our pilgrimage to the land of our ancestors.
Eyes open or close, you are still one handsome kitty! Thanks for joining us on our pilgrimage to the land of our ancestors.
Eyes open or close, you are still one handsome kitty! Thanks for joining us on our pilgrimage to the land of our ancestors.
I'm thinking if your mum gets the photos right, maybe she'll stop taking them!
Huffle Mawson
Great close ups. Congratulations on your awards.
Simba x
Gorgeous closeups! Mom cuts our ears off a lot, too! What is up with that?
My eyes are closed a lot these quiet days....mommy and I are napping lots so she can feel better soon. I keep her warm.
Look at all of your wonderful awards dear...your friends are so generous with their praise and you deserve it so very much. Your blog is a haven for so many...
much love to the lovely sisters and you are always in my dreams.....XOXOXOXYour SUnshine
NOW this is whate your bean calls beauty and her wans to kiss uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
O hey Mickes can u come over we tagd u for a me me fanks MUS
Concats on all your well deserved awards, Mickey!
~The Creek Cats~
Beautiful close up today! Yongrats to all these awardies!
Happy weekend!
What great close ups. Mom laughed about getting all the ears in the photo. It reminded her of how Memere always used to cut the head of mom's taller, older brother when she took photos of the kids.
Those are beeyootiful closeups of all of you! And conCATulashuns on yur awardies, they are all furry furry well deserved!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Nice closeups of all of you. Yes, Georgia and Tillie, your ears are kind of missing, but the gorgeous eyes are there.
'later cuzins,
Mindy, Moe & Bono
congrats on all your well deserved awards! i don't blame you for not wanting to get flashied in your eyes Mickey!
i love the floofy cats below :)
You are three good looking cats!
And congrats on your awards...they are well deserved....
pee ess. mom is trying some of the flashy box tips you gave awhile ago...she still needs practice...
Oh Mickey, you and your sisters are so beautiful! Congratulations on your awards. I would say you are a fan favorite all right! :)
I can tell how much your mom loves you. So sweet... :)
Hugs and Smoochies,
Concats on yer awardies and yer close ups are grrrrrrrreat today!!
Congrats on your awards! Your mom is getting pretty good with that flashy box!!
Lovely close up pics. my Mom does that "missing the ears off" bit too! Praps we should send 'em to be trained.
Happy weekend you wonderful kitties!
Congrats on all your awardies!! :))
I loves Fridays Close up.. I can give the girls lick-ities and they do not even know it, as I am giving you headbutts Mickey and you don't know it.. okay time to run.. aaahhhhh
Oh we do love your Friday close-ups! You three are just so beautiful!:) Have a wonderful weekend!
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