Welcome to Mancat Monday.

I was tagged for the 8 Random things meme
by the young Little Mus
by the young Little Mus
and also by the dashing Vampire Victor.

1. I am spoiled- I have my own room where I can
get away from my sisfurs ;)
2. I love cozy places to sleep,like sunny spots
and the sleeping bag Mom puts out for me.
and the sleeping bag Mom puts out for me.
3. I love to look out at the deck.
I can watch the leaves blow around .
I also see those evil squirrels running
across the deck!! I wish Mom would let me out!!
I can watch the leaves blow around .
I also see those evil squirrels running
across the deck!! I wish Mom would let me out!!

4. I like to inspect what Mom is eating.
I do not want it,I just like to sniff it.
Sometimes she does have things I like,
like toast with margarine.
I do not want it,I just like to sniff it.
Sometimes she does have things I like,
like toast with margarine.
5. I really love my 'nip sack' that I got from
my friend Halloween.
It came all the way from San Francisco!
my friend Halloween.
It came all the way from San Francisco!

6. This was Mom's fleece jacket,but it's mine now!!
I love it because it is warm and smells like Mom!!
I love it because it is warm and smells like Mom!!
7. I like when mom PaintShops me.
That way she is not bugging me with the flashy box
and I can watch as she 'paints'cool images with
me in them ;) As long as she does not really paint me!
That way she is not bugging me with the flashy box
and I can watch as she 'paints'cool images with
me in them ;) As long as she does not really paint me!

8. I love all my friends on the CB!! There are always parties
and cool events to go to!! I have a better social life than Mom!!!!!
I think she is jealous too!!!
and cool events to go to!! I have a better social life than Mom!!!!!
I think she is jealous too!!!
I mean ,she has never been to outer space!!!!

She does not travel to exotic places for parties!!!
I'm a pretty lucky Mancat!!!!
I'm a pretty lucky Mancat!!!!

You sure *are lucky, Mickey! You get to do lots of cool things. :) Cozy places to sleep are the best!
You do get to do cool things Mickey! Very nice.
These are very cool things indeed, Mickey~!
How wonderful that you could have great experience doing these~!
Mickey, we took over some of our human's clothes, too! They are so comfy and nice:)
You sure are a jetsetter. You should ask for your own plane for Christmas.
You are a lucky mancat, Mickey, and I am lucky to have you as my friend.
Huffle Mawson
Indeed, we kitties are the envy of our beans that is so very true! I would fly with you to the moon if only I could...today I am looking at my favorite tree in all seasons. Come by and sit with me and we will snuggle and have some tea...if Hunny Bunny and Buddy come to eat we will say Hello to them...
all my love till thenXOXOXOX
You are so cool Mickey!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Great meme, Mickey!!
You have your own room?????
I am very envious of that. My only "me space" is the great outdoors and it is getting chilly!!
Purrs Goldie
Hi Mickey, Thank you so much for your kindess and support. It meant a lot to us and our family.
It was great to learn all that cool stuff about you. It is neat that you actually have your own room! We also like take over Mom's clothes too. There is nothing better than the smell of a Mom.
Lucy & Trixie
Yep you are a great mancat Mickey and those were some wonderful things we learned about you. Hope you and your sisfurs are doing great. Sending purrs and hugs..
wow U TOOK MY PIC WOW U DO LIKE ME SEE I DONT HAVE BOY cat LOVE no one loves me but my bean mamy and i finl u is so fur cute he he
These are interesting things Mickey. I like the fact that you have a sleeping bag put out for you. Your Mum is very kind.
Whicky Wuudler
Mickey, you really got things settled. Well done! I will want my own room too, now!!!!
Purrs, Siena
You did a great job with yur meme, Mickey! It's wunnerful to be a membur of the Kitty Bloggiesphere -- it's so much funsies!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Ohh Mickey this was wonderful to learn new things about you!!
Number 6 melted the Momma's heart just a wee bit.
You Momma is so good to you all.. and YOU, wow even your very own room, now that is cool! :))
Mickey...we learned some cool things about you! And we think your mom should be jealous...we do have fun on the CB!
Mom says all of our beans are living through us vicariously! Ha ha. Nice answers.
Da fleece is great to make kneedin on I fink!
~ Molly ~
Mickey yoo is lucky, I can not escape Molly if I wanted to. I have even tried to send Troo in to distract her and it doesnt work!
*paw waves* Hi Georgia!
~ Shadow ~
I think you deserve to be spoiled Mickey. Think of all the things you do for your mom. Giving you her jacket is the least she could do.
I think most of the time we are truly under appreciated but every now and then our moms acknowledge our daily contribution to their happiness and well being.
purrrs to you Mickeykins. You have a lot of very good friends and you deserve them! You are a great kitty and we love you loads
Prin and Pierro adn ... yes, the mom too
You certainly do lead an exciting and cozy life! Thanks for sharing with us!
Mickey, you do have a great life!
Those are eight wonderful things! Your mom really does make some of the coolest graphics with PaintShop. You are so lucky to have your own room. I don't like toast, but I do like to lick the margarine off my mom's toast.
I think it's wonderful that you have a lot of great things, just for yourself ;-)
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