Wednesday 30 September 2009

Wordless Wednesday...Mostly

Mickey...contemplating where to have a snooze

Georgia...displaying her extra toes(front & back)

Tillie...already found her cozy spot!


Ivan from WMD said...

Hurry, Mickey, before all the good spots are taken!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

It is tough to decide where to nap... all those choices so little time...

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Have a very lovely nap time!

Jasmim said...

beautiful pictures :)

catsynth said...

That picture of tillie bedding down for a snooze is darling. She looks just like Luna in that photo. :)

Forever Foster said...

Georgia, your super toes are so cool!

Teddy Westlife said...

Tillie you look adorable! Well, you all look cute.

Huffle Mawson

The Monkeys said...

We love Georgia's extra toes and the photo of Tillie is adorable with a capital 'A'!

The Creek Cats said...

Sweet dreams furiends! Hope you enjoy your naps today!

4 Boys and a Lady said...

Good luck finding your nap spots, Mickey and Georgia!

Tillie you look so comfy on your blankie. =)

The Meezers or Billy said...

we needs a nap too

The Kitty Krew said...

You're all adorable. Naps sound like a good idea, we think we'll do the same.

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Mishkat said...

Such cute photos today! We're always amazed by Georgia's toes.

Anya said...

You all looking so comfy today ;)
Such a lovely pictures !!!!
hugs love
Kareltje =^.^=

The Island Cats said...

Happy Wednesday to all of you!

Anonymous said...

Tillie yoo gots in the nip before yoo laid down, it looks like. hehe

Mickey, we fink that sunspot area is quiet nice to sleep in - it looks furry warm.

Georgia, yoo has the kyootest pawsies. Come over so I can lick dem fer yoo? ~ Shadow

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Nice shots. I don't think we knew that Georgia had extra toes.

dennis said...

Dennis is happy to see everyone looks healthy and happy. Dennis has had zero access to computers lately.