Friday, 8 February 2008

Photo Hunt - Heavy

Photo Hunters

The theme this week for the photo hunt is : Heavy

This is a bag of my cat food. As you can see, it's bigger than me!!!!

This big bag is also Heavy !

Mom is letting me sample some tasty crunchies.

Tillie was here until she saw the camera . Then she ran,hahaha!

See her tail? Hahahahahaha!!!!!!!


The Devil Dog said...

That certainly looks heavy. Mom buys a 30 lb bag of dog food for us, and that is heavy. When they boy was younger, he wanted to carry it, but since he only weighted 20-30 pounds more than the bag, mom figured he shouldn't.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

But I bet it's not heavy enough! You'll need to get more!

4 Boys and a Lady said...

Tillie doesn't like the flashy camera! :) Neither do we. (O_O)

snowforest said...

Georgia you seem to be guarding your food well ~ too bad Tillie doesn't like the flashy box or we'd have seen some purrety pikturs of her too!
Love and purrs from the SnowForest family :)

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Heavy is one thing I will never be because I only weigh 4.5 pounds. You are so right my beloved...I am very busy with Isis tea party next Tuesday. I am so glad you are coming with me. It is sure to be great fun and there will be other mencats there to hang out with Ramses.
Well, my luck ran out today....mommy gave me a bath anyway. She saw my dirty belly because her eyes work just fine! So we are off to bed now all clean and cozy in the cottage. Mommy is hoping for some progress with her morning coffee. She can't even smell her Limburger cheese!
Good night my beloved Moonshine...your Peach

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Ah... crunchies fresh out of the bag are the best!!!!


Hootin Anni said...

Heavy indeed....but oh you're so beautiful!!!!

My heavy is posted...hope you can drop by and celebrate my birthday with me. Happy Hunting!

Napaboaniya.Elaine Ling said...

I hope that big and heavy bag of kibbles will last you a while :)
It's pretty straining for mom to carry that back from the mart! :P

Anonymous said...

You only have one bag? We like to use the Bitey to rip the bag open for self-serve. Where's your rip?

Ingrid said...

And I suppose you eat the whole bag in one day and leave just a few crumps for Tillie, lol !
Except Pookie my cats don't eat dry food they just don't like it. I always have a full plate sitting there but only occasionally Rosie or Arthur are eating a little. Lisa with her only tooth can't eat it anymore of course.

Anonymous said...

Always thank you for the comment. The cold has improved, too. Sisters of Natume and Monaka are
playing always energetically.
It is always mischievous and runs by two people.
It snowed also in Tokyo today.

The tail of Tialle was seen. It is lovely.

Daisy said...

When it comes to foods, I think the heavier the bag, the better!

CRIZ LAI said...

Wow...your Mum sure know how to pamper you well. What a big and heavy bag that is :)

I agreed with Daisy... the bigger the better :P

Utah Mommy said...

It is indeed heavy for the cat to eat all what's inside that bag in one time lol! Happy weekend!
Baby Pushing Mommy

Mommy Lutchi said...

I have huge dog food and I dragged them all the time.

Cute cat, thanks for sharing.

Mine is up at
. Hope you can visit me too. Happy Photo Hunting.

Tesla and Hansel said...

t/d?! momma says thats good teeth foods. Keeps them tartars off them teeths!

I like your heavy picturs. very very nice.

Artsy Catsy said...

Beautiful heavy photos! When it comes to catfood bags, the heavier the better, I always say.


Lux said...

I'm with Rocky - you can't go too big!

jams o donnell said...

Ha that looks like it will last a long time. For my furry masters, perhaps a few light snacks! Happy weekend

Dragonstar said...

That looks very heavy. Very important, too!

Wrigley, Cobalt, & Penelope said...

that certainly is a heavy bag!! It must take you quite some time to eat it all.

dennis said...

Dennis has never tasted dry food. He sniffs it once in a while. The other cats seem to find it tasty though.

Turkey Cats said...

That is A BIG BAG OF FOOD. We have a plastic box on wheels that holds two bags that size.


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That is a big bag of cat food! It certainly looks very heavy.