I have these beautiful roses for my Sweetie Miss Peach.
They are climbing roses called Eden. I think she likes these :)
This is looking out the front towards the lake.

Even Earl the Squirrel had to dig down to get his food. Mom went out later and cleaned the snow off, and gave him more food. Gee,I could have done that,heeheehee!
I also got this big brother award from Lyra & Caesar. I'm a role model to these young kitties!
Aw shucks!!!!! Thank you!
I got this from Java,who thinks my blog is E for Excellent. Thank you Java!!!

That is a lovely valentine for Miss Peach!
Congratulations on your awards and, for heaven's sake, stay warm!!!
That is such a lovely valentine, I'm sure Miss Peach will love it!
Please stay warm!
Beautiful Valentine for Miss Peach. That's a lot of snow! Stay safe and warm.
Congratulations on your awards! They are very well deserved. :)
Oh my beloved...what a sweet Valentine you have made for me. Those roses look like my favorite type, the Eden rose! And clematis too. I feel like a little kitten again when I see you in this pretty Valentine! Thank you my sweet:) I am on my way to deliver some food treats to the tea party for Isis right now. I know I will see you there later on and we can have a special cup of tea that I brought for us. It was sent to me from Luna in Germany and is called 'Hot Love'...a raspberry marzipan blend. Doesn't that just sound like heaven?
Oh your snow is so pretty, I do love to see it...but then I want it to go away again real soon.
Till later my beloved...thank yo again and concats on your E awardie:)
Wow, that's a lot of wonderful awards! Miss Peach seems thrilled with your lovely Valentine, too. We think we'll let you keep the snows.
You studcat! Lookit that awesome Valentine!
That is a very beautiful Valentine you made for Miss Peach!
That is a very nice Valentine that you made. We think she will love it! Stay warm in all of that snow!!
Concatulations on your award. I have to get Bean to take a picture of the outside so I can show you what it looks like around here!
Concatulations on your award. I have to get Bean to take a picture of the outside so I can show you what it looks like around here!
What a beautiful Valentine for Miss Peach! Your front/backyard look just like mine, oh where have the flowers gone. When that front door opens the cold air creeps up inside and reminds me how comfy the indoors are, I wish the outdoor kitties to find shelter for themselves.
Congratulations on your award!
Purrrs, Tamra
It is a terrible snow. Spring only has to come early. Spring has finally approached though it is a little cold in Tokyo. It is said that Natume and Mokanka are also impatient in spring. Thank you.
This is so so sweet, Mickey~!!!!
I am sure Miss Peach gonna love it~!
Yes, the snow is very big~!
I hope you are fine!!
Mickey! I bet you would have fed Earl alright! HaHaHaHa!
Stay toasty my friend!
What a great Valentine! and wow look at all that white stuff!!
What a beautiful valentine for Miss Peach! Congratulations on your awards. You certainly are a mancat to look up to!
Goodness at all that snow!
Concatulations on your awards!
Mickey I am sures Miss Peach will love her card from you.
You are such a romantic mancat, Mickey!! A real gentleman! Miss Peach couldn't have find a better and sweeter cat!
What a beautiful Valentine, Mickey! And oh, snow, snow and more snow. We're getting snow here now, on top of ice. Yuck!
Whoa, dude, yoor making me look bad~Speedy
That is a lovely valentine, Mickey. We're getting snow again today. We're a little tired of it and wish it would go away.~Zippy and Sadie
That is a wonderful valentine for Miss Peach. She is a nice kitty and a lucky lady!
I can't imagine living there where you live with all that snow. My toes would get too cold!
I'm surprised that squirrel isn't frozen into a popsicle with all that snow out there :-0
Congratulations on your awards!
Mickey, this is a beautiful valentine.
You are so nice, just the nicest kitty boy ever. Congratulations of these awardies
Very beautiful Valentine and Congratulations on your awards :)
ConCATulashuns on yur awardies! They are so furry well deserved. And wowie kazowie, that's a lotta snow! alla you kitties stay nice and warm and cozy.
I love yur Valentine fur the lovely and charming Miss Peachy! It's so furry beeyootiful.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
That is a beautiful bouquet for Miss Peach. We are sure she will love it. As for the snow, been there, done that, really sick of it.
Congrats on the awards. You deserve them.
Roxy & Lucky
Congratulations on your award, Mickey! You do indeed have an excellent blog.
And oh, precious Miss Peachy will swoon over your card -- it is simply lovely!
What a lot of snow you got -- we haven't gotten much snow. I like to watch it from the window when it comes!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
congrats on those awards love the snow pics. but glad wes not there...meow...
That's a real pretty Valentine, buddy! Man, the wind is blowing around outside, but I hope we don't get as much snow as you.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
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