We have been challenged by our friends at the Cat Realm
to add to our group of NOMS friends!!
Here are a few of mine.

Brownie is a delightful hampster who lives in Costa Rica .
I have never had a hamster as a friend before. I have never met one before(except Stifler)
Brownie is very friendly and lots of fun too!!!
Lucky is the sister of my NOMSS friend Roxy.Isn't she cute ?
It's silly really, that I did not add her before :)
She is a very pretty PUG who inspired us to go on a wonderful road trip last year!!!!!

Most of you already know Charlie. Charlie is a lovely collie who lives in Australia.
As many of you know,Charlie is a good doggie to party with too !
He is a world traveller too. You must visit his blog!!
Simba is a really neat doggie I met not too long ago. I was introduced by my friend JB.
We were late getting things done and did not have time to visit with Simba to see
about pictures and things. I will do that later.
Nice to see your NOMSS friends~!!!
Every one of them are very special and great!
Thank you so much for including me in your friends. You have made my day.
Simba x
Mom is in love with Lucky!
Oh I understand how happy you made Simba and Brownie by including them into your inner circle...it is a good tender place to be...close to your heart. Today is a great day to remember our friends. I will not include the house mouse however...there I draw the line.
Thank you for being so close to my heart...you are such a sweet mancat to me.
Soft headbumps...your sunshine
Mickey, you have some wonderful NOMS!
My best friend is a Siberian Husky, I'm sure that counts!
Huffle Mawson
Hi Mickey! You have lots of NOMS!! Lucky you!
Wally, Ernie & Zoey
ps. We gave you an award...stop by to pick it up!!
wow we dont have NOMS our bean dont know it it is a new word for her lol but he fink u all ar super cute and we like to have a house mouse
Happy NOMS Day, Mickey! And thank you SO much for your healing purrs for my Grandpa Bob.
Oh Mikey you have a lot of Cool NOMS furiends! We will have to add to ours, too! Have a Happy NOMS Day!
Your FL furiends,
Those are great new friends! Isn't it great to know lots of NOMS? Great post!
We just wanted to stop by and say “Hi”! Mommy finally got home so we can blog again!
Happy NOMS Day! You have some wonderful friends.
You have a lot of NOMS :-) They all look like wonderful friends.
Happy NOMS day, Mickey. You were my first NOMS friend, so you are very special to us. Thanks for being our friend.
Roxy & Lucky
OMG! It's me! Oh, thanks, I'll include you in my post, I think it is a little late, but it doesn't matter?
Those are great choices for NOMS friends. Mom did NOT tell me it was today so I didnt get to pick any out.
~ Molly ~
You are such a great guy, no wonder you have so many sweet and lovely friends, Mickey. Thank you so much for sharing these special friends with me.
I hope you had a super nice Tuesday
Happy NOMS Day! Those are some adorable woofie and hamster friends.
You have wonderful NOMS friends! I still have my NOMS friend, Bogart, from last year!
Purrrrrrs, China Cat
You have some wonderful NOMS friends. :) Roxy and Lucky are terrific woofies!
Happy Noms Day, Mickey, Georgia and Tillie!
What a wonderful bunch of nomss friends you have, thank you for participating in Noms Day!
Mrs. OZ
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