The theme this week for the Photo Hunt is : DARK
A DARK cat on a DARK porch is really DARK!
Tillie is a black cat !

Taking a picture of the sun behind clouds produces
a DARK foreboding picture.

Georgia is a Tortie. In low light conditions, she is DARK .
( Only her picture is DARK, not her personality, heehee )
The sun on these DARK furs feels soooooooooooooo good!!!!
I went out in the backyard today! I played in the garden (weeds) and sat in the sun! It was so much fun *sigh*
Huffle Mawson
This was a great post! I really LOVE the sun behind clouds picture!
Mrs. OZ
That first picture really illustrates DARK well. All I can really see of Tillie is her eyes. Enjoy your sunbeams.
Hello Mickey :)
We love your photos! Hugs from us.
We like your dark photos. Mum likes the clouds and trees.
Where are you??
Oh, Mickey, thank you so much for coming to visit me! I didn't even know there was such a thing as kind, loving kitties and beans and it's keeping my heart warm at the vet hospital this weekend!
I don't think I was a feral kitty, because I LOVE everyone. Or maybe I was feral, but I just gave it up over time while I got so sick and malnourished. But either way, I can dream now of leaving all that behind me and being loved!
Your new friend,
Mr. Milky
Good dark pictures, Mickey!!! Yep, I agree, sun on dark fur feels real good!!!
(Wally and Zoey say hi! too)
WOWY! That furst photo of Micky is worth puttin' in a photo contest! Furry good examples of dark today!
I love how Tillie's eyes are kind of slanted. It's very exotic!
Those are great pictures. The colors in Tillie's photo are amazing.
luf luf luf! the pic-shur of Tillie! Bootifuls! Yoo canna really see her bodies.. jus her bootiful mao eyes!
Four great photos for this week's theme! Good Job!!
Wow, that photo of Tillie is just stunning! Wowie!
your cats are beautiful!
That first photo looks almost spooky! Come on over for a visit! :D
Those are some really good dark photos! They are pretty, too.
~ The Bunch
Very cool pics! That first one looks so mysterious!
Hi! My name is Eduardo, I'm a puggle who loves to snuggle! I added you to my blog I hope you don't mind! Please visit my blog!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Those are great dark photos, Mickey. We had some tremendously dark clouds last night, and then a big thunderstorm. The house up the street got hit by lightining. I think I will beware dark clouds.
And dark personality cats, hee hee.
All beautiful pictures for the theme. I must confess that I like the one of Tillie the best. ;)
What lovely dark cat photos - I especially like the first one - that is you isn't it, Mickey! Have a great weekend
licks & slobbers
that 1st pix is really nice. :) though not a cat lover, it's a brilliant shot!
Those are excellent examples of dark, and three of them are very cute!
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