Guess what?? Mickey is home and he still has his teeth!
Yeah!! His liver is not doing so good,
so they did not want to do an operation.
He seems pretty happy though!!!
My liver may be sick,but I still feel OK.
Right now, I feel fine and happy to be home.
I have a wedding to do you know!!!!!!
Thank you all for your purrs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Come on Mom...hurry up with that grass!!!!!!!!!

We bet you are glad to be home! Being at the vet is no fun at all. Hope you are taking the meds for your liver, Mickey, it will help you get your values down. Also hope mom is spoiling you with lots of grass.
your furcousins
Mickey, we are glad you are home. We're sorry your liver values are up but hopefully, the meds will help.
Enjoy nomming your grass!!!
Mickey, we were thinking about you all day. We're glad you're home and happy although we are sorry about the problems with your liver.
Sending you lots of purrs!
Franklin, Dobby, and Tasha
P.S. Our mom says she can understand how your mom feels!
It's mom's job to worry about us. Dey is furry good at der jobs and we do kinda like it, don't we Mickey? It's nice to be fussed over a little bit.
Tell you what, we are helping your mom because we are all worrying about you too! We'll purr that your liver will hold out!
We're glad you're home safe and sound, Mickey. We'll keep sending purrs your way:)
Oh Mickey, we are sorry that your liver values were so up. We hope you start feeling better. We don't like that kind of thing at all and we hope we can purr to better!
We are purring that you get better soon!
Oah Mickey I am so happy for your teeth are doing just ok!!
And we will still pray for your liver :(
Oh my beloved not be sad that you did not get your teeth fixed. There is a reason why things happen the way they do. Mommy always says that. When I got sick, she worried all the time...then she decided that we would take life one day at a time. We still do...that is our motto. It would make me very happy if we could get adopt that motto after we give each other our paws in marriage. I know your mommy is sad and worried, but we as cats handle this kind of mews much more aloof...we just want to sleep in sunny places and eat nice munchies, knowing those who love us are close by all the time.
I will stay here beside you for a few days. We can sleep in the sunshine, then eat some tuna crumpets with our spot of catmint tea...sound good?
I'm glad you're home safely Mickey. I'm sorry your liver is giving you trouble, has your mum considered feeding you liverGREAT to help?
Huffle Mawson
We are thinking the hole day,
and pray we do all for you .....
We are glad you are home and you feel oke :)
We send you many hugs, than you feel a little better ^___^
your friend Kareltje
and his Mommy Anya :)
Mickey, we have been thinking about you and are happy that you are home. It's a Mom's job to worry and we hope that you get all of the grass you want and that you enjoy the lovely Spring weather.
Smoochies to you!
we are so glad you are home!
Mickey, we are so glad you are home and you aren't missing any teefs! We are sorry to hear the liver is not at it's best, but we are purring very hard for you! We are sending your liver lots and lots of recovery vibes!
Mickey, I am glad you are back home and feeling good. And I hope you get some grass!
Mickey, I'm so glad that you are home. I am sorry to hear about your liver.
My mom said to tell you it is a mom's job to worry about us all the time.
Dear Mickey, that's right, concentrate on your wedding and grass. That's what is really important. Glad you still have all your teeth. Mom says I really don't use mine for anything good (chewing pens isn't good?).
Take care,
I hope you improve soon !
Jas & Gi
WE are glad you still have your teeth!
We will be purring for your liver Mickey. Bet you were glad Miss Peach was there to keep you company.
Dennis gave up boozing to keep his liver from serious damage.\\\
Dennis has been hibernating an needs to catch up on Mickey's life.
Mickey we are glad you are home. We hope that the medicines your Mom is giving you help your levels straighten out. We understand how Mammas worry, it's normal. We are purring for her too.
We're glad that your home, and that you have all your teeth. But be careful about your liver. Take your medicines and eat well, and we will continue sending our best thoughts and purrs.
We hope your liver gets better soon!
Purrs, Cliff & Olivia
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