Monday 1 July 2024

Winnie says...Happy Canada Day!!!!!

Winnie:  Gee friends, it has been a while but I finally 
for mum to help me blog!
It was  a tiring process as you can see...MOL!!
Anyway, we are celebrating as today is Canada day!
Yup, it is Canada's 157th Birthday !!!

I am resting up to be ready for any festivities
and I hope it involves some food ! MOL!!

                                                                     This is a cool pic.
         That is Snoopy on the floor and the shadow is me
                                                                    sitting on the cat tree!

As you can see, I am just dangling on this cat tree
and enjoying the sun on my black furs.
Mum says cats are heat seeking missiles...
whatever those are ;)

                                            Anyway, I am pretty sure it will be a good day
                                               and I am ready for what ever fun that  comes!


Brian's Home Blog said...

Hello sweet Winnie! Happy Canada Day to you and your Mom!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy Canada Day, Winnie and Mom.

Eastside Cats said...

Winnie, we LURV to see you enjoying life!
Happy Canada Day; Metro Detroit and Windsor, Ontario had their joint Canada Day/Independence Day fireworks display last week; it's really something to see.

Sandee said...

Happy Canada Day. You're so cute. ♥

Dma said...

your tree pose is awesome.

catladymac said...

Happy Canada Day and happy sun days Winnie ! Glad you are able to share some space with Snoooy ! Purrs .

Kea said...

Happy Canada Day, Winnie! I hope you and your housemates are not bothered by any fireworks (city or neighbours) tonight! 🇨🇦

Zoolatry said...

Happy CANADA Day, Winnie and Snoopy and to your "humans" too!

meowmeowmans said...

Happy Canada Day, Winnie and Mum! And Snoopy, too! XO

Meezer's Mews & Terrieristical Woofs said...

We are late...but since petcretary is Canadian, we wish you a belated Happy Canada Day!
And we got to celebrate the Fourth of July as well!! Two pawrties!!